(insert)Male!Character x Reader Part1

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(y/n):your name

______: male character's name.


You were sitting in front of computer during class,playing GTA. Taking a small sigh,you look to the side seeing your friend,______.

"I don't know what to do after school. I have no where to go since my mom isnt home yet." You say as he looked at you.

"Well you can come to my house if you'll like." _____ suggested with a small smile.

"Sure." You said with glee. You both returned playing,multiplayer. After the hours passed by and school was over,you texted your mom,

"Mom im going to be out of school at 6. okay?" You lied to her,knowing she would never agree if you went over to his house.

"okay you better not be lying." She texted back.

"No mom." Responding. You put your phone away,than taking it out again,texting _____,

"What street you live in again?"

" Redstone." He responds. You look both ways,crossing the street. Walking on the sidewalk you see _____ waiting for you outside.

"Hey you made it! My parents aren't home yet." He speaks up as you take a small nod.

"You better not be a rapist." He said sarcasticlly. You giggled,

"Im not..yet." He turned his head to look at you as you just chuckled. He opens the door for you,waiting for him to show you around.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks as you shrugged.

"Its your house." He takes your hand as he gives you a small tour of his house.Showing you the rooms,living room,restroom,kitchen and backyard.

"You have a really nice place." You smile following him to his room.

"Nice place." You dont notice him locking the door behind him. He had a grin on his face as he came up from behind you. He started to tickle you from the sides making you fall over onto his arms,laughing.

"No please stop!" You started crying laughing so hard. He just had a huge smile on his face feeling happy seeing you this way.


You and _____ were texting.

"Sorry if im bothering you. Im just bored and lonely."


"No its okay. cx "


"Okay thats good."


"Hey,why were you sad at school today?"


"Oh...Well. Please dont think im stupid for this. But im suicidal and depressed. My life is horrible. I don't know what to do anymore."


"I dont judge. Remember i'll be here is your ever need something. Okay?"


"Yah. Thanks ____."


"No problem cx"



______ pulls you back up,as you tried catching your breath. You gave him a smile as he smirked.

"Damn you ____." You mumble as you sat on the ground next to his bed. He kneels down,laying his head on your lap.

"Hey mind if we take a small rest?" He asks closing his eyes wrapping his arms around your legs.

"Nah. Im tired as well anyways. "You lean your head on the bed,feeling him poking your thigh, as you giggled.

"Your so squishy." He whispers looking up at you.

"Shut up no im not." You rolled your eyes,laughing.

(end of part one. This oneshot is based of my real life that happened yesturday with my best friend. ^-^. He's such a sweetie!)

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