Male!insert and Reader:The Little Accident

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(i may stay...Depending if i can take the hate any longer)

You and your friend,(f/n), were having a small playful argument.

"Oh shut up. You know you can't mess with me hair." He frowns as you chuckled,standing up to throw something away. You ruffled his hair when you passed by as he yelled,

"Thats it (y/n), your not my friend anymore!" You stick out your tongue playfully as you walked out the room,heading out to your next class.

~Time Skip to Next day,Class Period5~

You entered the class,sitting down at the table,waiting for your friends to come.You fiddled with your phone for awhile,hearing the door open.You turn to see (f/n) and his other friends walk towards your direction. You wave at them with a smile as (f/n) scoffed rolling his eyes,heading to another table.You than remembered that he said he wasn't going to be your friend anymore.

You smirked to yourself, thinking,

"Okay let it be like that." You opened your journal as you doodled a bit.

~1 month~

You were sitting alone at the lunch table.You never felt so alone in your life before.You always had somebody be by your side.You looked over to the side seeing (f/n) coming towards you with his tray lunch.

"What do you want idiot?" You teased continuing to eat your lunch.He didn't respond only having a grin on his face.You raised an eyebrow as he lifted the tray up pouring everything onto your head.You shot yourself up,feeling the food roll down your head.

"(f/n)!" You yell in anger.(f/n) chuckled as you heard laughs from the other people from the cafeteria.

"Your welcome bitch." He said,pushing you over to the floor.You landed on your bottom as you looked down on your lap,having teachers escort the group around you,helping you up.You looked to the side seeing him and his friends high-five-ing each other. You felt a sudden heat come thru your heart.

"Did he really meant to leave me all this time?"

Time passed thru the school year. At least 3 times a week,(F/N) and his humiliated you in public leaving you in embarrassment.They would either push you down,knock your things over,pour liquid over your head or worse. And today the worse happened.

You were walking thru the hallway,holding your books in your hands.This whole week nothing has happened to you.Everything was peaceful...until you felt something knock your books out of your hands.You groaned ,looking to the side seeing (F/N) and his gang.You rolled your eyes,bending over to pick your books until you felt someone push you over to the side.You moaned,rubbing your side.

"The hell was that for!"You scream in anger.(f/n) bends down as he picks you up by the hair.

"Is that anyway to talk me?" He grins,slamming you against the locker.You yelp,being scared.You tried sitting up but was knocked back down by him.You look up,pleading him with your eyes to stop.To stop being a monster that he changed into.To return back to the little angel he was.The guy who would hug you in surprise,tease around you.Hit you softly.Not the guy who will push you forcefully,hurt you with words and punch you to death.

You felt a kick go against your chest as you had tears form on the side of your eyes.You tried to stay strong but the kicks and punches kept going.After his last one you felt blood spurt out of your mouth.Blood.Ignoring the blood and your screams he continued to punch and kick you.His gang cheering him on.When he stopped,you looked up with him with fear and anger.You had 2 sides,wanting to kill him but also afraid to even go against him.

He walks away as his gang pats him on the back leaving you there.Bruises on your face,sides,arms and legs.You breathed slowly,regaining yourself to breath.You looked up,wishing,for the first time,

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