Total Drama Mike x Reader: Let me die young~

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Being on total drama was hard work. You didn't like anyone there, just because of how everybody was so rude and so competitive. You never tried, instead you just played around. there was only one true friend you had in the competition. It was Mike. He was the only person who would actually team with you. And talk to you. You had a crush on him for quite awhile, but since you seen the other seasons, you always thought he had true feelinsg for Zoe. SO you kept your feelings for yourself. You were sitting outside your cabin writing in your journal.

"Dear Diary,

Im still stuck in this stupid island with these horrible people. I admit some are nice but we dont really talk. But there is this one guy i love... Mike. Im happy we both met, if we havent i wouldve been dead by now. I had a wonderful dream that we kissed in the rain... it felt so real! I wish it actually came true..."

You stopped writing seeing somebody walk up to you from behind. It was the orange haired boy. " Oh ___________, What are you writing about?" He asked looking over your shoulder. You shut your diary closed. " Nothing Scott, Can you get away from me?" You said, standing up, walking away. Scott stays there looking at you. "Hmmm ___________ i hiding something. Maybe that will give me a advance..." He smirks thinking of a plan.

You were sitting next with Mike eating breakfast. The food was fake as always. But this time you felt weird. You took a bite out of the food, starting to feel dizzy. " M-mike.... Is the world spinning?" You closed your eyes, falling over the chair. "_______!"he bends over to pick you up. Scott looks over with a smirk. " Good the plan worked, now i can get her journal..." He runs over to go find your journal.

~ Time Ski[ ~

You were back to normal, laying your head onto Mike's shoulder. "Ok guys! Todays challenge is something very simple! Its story time! Whoever reads the most amazing story, get invincibilty!" Chris yells out. Scott goes up first having something in his hands that seemed very familiar to you. You gasped " Ok i have a small story that might shock a certain man..." He gives a smirk looking at you. 

'"Dear Diary,

Im still stuck in this stupid island with these horrible people. I admit some are nice but we dont really talk. But there is this one guy i love... Mike. Im happy we both met, if we havent i wouldve been dead by now. I had a wonderful dream that we kissed in the rain... it felt so real! I wish it actually came true..."

You started to turn bright red, running away from everybody. Mike was running after you. The sky started turning dark, having the rain fall over your head. " Damn Scott...." You lay back onto a tree, having some tears run down your cheek. You felt like everything was over. Now the whole world will know. There was some foot steps running towards to where you are. 

"_________!" You turn your head to the side seeing Mike. You wipe your face and turn completely to face him. " Look Mike I-..." You were stopped but the touch of Mike lips. You were shocked as he pulled back. " ______ why didnt you tell me this before? I always wanted to do this." He chuckled.

You blushed smiling. " So you dont think im a freak?" You asked. He shook his head side to side. "Of course  not, I love you______." " I love you too Mike." You both went back into a kiss in the rain.

~The Future~

You and Mike had a son named Lance. You were both engaged and had a beautiful life. You had a best friend name Gwen (from total drama) and had a happy life. Just being with the family anf friends you love.

(Sorry havent posted or completed some new stories. Been busy with school and stuff D: )

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