Supernatural; Sam Winchester x Reader

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I looked over my shoulder, seeing nothing. All I could hear were the sounds of growling. The fear in my 10 year old body was consuming me, every second. I climbed up the tree that I was next to, sitting on the branch. As I finally reached the branch, I heard the dog that was chasing me barking below. I let out a scream, clinging onto the tree. I always tried giving dogs chances but this time it was a mistake. As I let out cries, I heard the barks turn into growls. I looked down and noticed a young boy. He seemed a few years older than me but was close enough. He seemed to be getting the dog's attention, clearly working. It seemed to charge over to him until an older boy jumped from out the bush, holding out a shirt that covered the dog's mouth from biting anyone.

"Easy boy. No one is going to hurt you." The older one said, trying to calm it down. It didn't seem like it was working. The younger one was digging into his pocket, revealing a small piece of bacon.

"Dang it, I knew you took my bacon." The older one said, gaining a laugh from the other. The boy called to the dog before throwing the bacon, seeing it run off to go get it.

"Hey! You can come down now!" The teen yells out to me, making me feel a bit on edge still. The younger one just rolled his eyes before coming to the tree, looking up at me.

"Don't worry. The dog is gone. You should probably come down though if it does come back." He yells out. I looked down at them, contemplating it but knew they were probably right. I let out a sigh, climbing back down. I wiped my pants before looking back at the two.

"Thank you both for saving me." I say, hinting back a bit of shyness.

"Its fine. Just two guys saving another persons day." The older one says, getting a small hit on the arm from the younger one. I couldn't help but smile. I always wondered what it felt like to save someones day. It mostly was me getting saved or helped by others.

"I'm Sam." The young one says, taking out his hand.

"Y/N." I say, shaking his hand. Sam took his hand back.

"This is Dean. My older, somewhat obnoxious brother." He says, as Dean just snickered, rolling his eyes.

"Well thank you both again." I say before hearing some older man call out to the two.

"Well guess we should run now." Dean says, patting Sam's shoulder.

"We'll see you later okay?" Sam says before running off with Dean, back to their house. I wave goodbye, hoping I would see them...
But I never did.

22 years have gone by. I was living in my own small house, sitting on the sofa. I was cleaning off the dry blood on my machete, wiping it away with the towel. I looked over to the dead body next to the coffee table, seeing the headless vampire there. Letting out a deep sigh, I stood up knowing this wasn't going to be the last time these monsters were going to sneak in. Especially what has been happening recently. More vampires were around town, somehow killing more and more hunters. This was becoming a problem and had to be stopped soon. I picked up my car keys, making my way outside and into the car.

Setting the machete down, I took out my phone, seeing email I was sent from my friend. It was the directions to what might've been the vampires hideout. Sadly this was something I had to do on my own. My friend suffered an injury, causing him to go to his hometown but insists on helping with the research and sending me the coordinates. I started up the engine and drove down the road. Turning on the radio, I changed the stations until I paused to hear the words of my favorite song. I couldn't help but jam out. This could be the last day I live, might as well enjoy this moment.

2 hours now have passed and I finally reached the place. There was a large building that seemed like it hasn't been touched in decades. Pieces of leaves and dust would just fall down, trash along the edges that probably people would leave around before this place was taken by the vampires. I turned off the car, grabbing my machete. This was going to be a tough job. Probably having a forty percent chance of surviving, but someone had to do it. I got out the car, looking at the building once more before making my way towards the entrance. Reaching over to the see there was a chain and lock, it seemed like it was already ripped apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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