Hetalia Canada x Reader

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You walked past people tryin to get thru. You finally passed by the crowd and sighed in relief. You saw your best friend Matthew standing alone. You always felt sorry for him being invisible to people. You took a deep breath and smiled,well you tried too. You walked over to him waving happily. 

"Hey Matthew!"

You exclaim with a happy tone. Matthew looks away blushing. He held his bear tighly up against his chest still looking away.

"H-hello __________....."

He said shyly. His glasses started to fog up, making you confused.

Matthew's POV


My lens started fogging up... as usual. I was always so shy towards _________. Her smile makes me have butterflies in my stomach. Her eyes shine bright like the stars. But i just can't act normal around her. Why can't i not embarras myself for once? Just once! I take off my glasses and wipe the fog off.

"I-im sorry ... i can be really n-nervous around girls..."

I say with a blush. She started giggling making me smile a bit. Damn her cuteness. She then stood next to me as I blushed rapidly. I didn't know what too say or do. If I walk away she would follow or be confused, but if I stay here I might embarrass myself infront of her.

You were staring at some crowd seeing them drink and get drunk. You didn't like to drink and by the looks of Matthew he didn't either. You look back at Matthew seeing him look down all red and he had a embarrassed face. You were a bit confused but decided to cheer him up. You grab him  by the hand and started dragging him towards the food table. You pick up a plate of pancakes and hand it to him.

"Here, you look for bored so eat some pancakes to cheer you up."

You said with a smile, him grabbing the plate and began to eat it. You picked up a plate for you too eat and start to eat. After awhile you both started chatting about your life too other. You both actually had similar lives. you both had brothers. you both liked pancakes, the color red, and other things. Who knew 2 friends could have similar lives.  You giggle due that he had some crumbs on his cheek.

" You have a little something on there..."

You said pointing on his left cheek. You took out a napkin from the table and leaned in closer to his face and started to wipe it off his cheek. Matthew was then blushing rapidly looking into your (e/c) eyes. You then moved your eyes a bit quickly passing by his eyes. You saw how he was staring at you. You looked back into his eyes and set your hand down. You both then started leaning closer, almost having your lips together. But then you were interrupted by a loud voice.

"haha look dudes! Matthew is getting some!"

It was Alfred, the annoying brother. Everybody was staring at both of you. You both then pulled away as Matthew starts running away into the hall. You gave a death glare to Alfred, and then left to find Matthew. You called out his name running thru the hallways. You then saw Matthew leaning against the wall. You walked over to him, quickly wrapping your hands around him, pulling him closer too you.

"Hey don't be embarrassed. Don't let anyone ruin something tha-..."

You were then interrupted by the loud man again, having a large crowd behind him.

"haha I still see that Ma-...."

But he was then interrupted by Matthew.

"Look! I'm really tired of you always picking on me! I could do whatever I want...without your comment!"

He yells in his soft tone. He then crashed his lips onto yours as you widened your eyed. But then started kissing back, feeling how his lips were so soft and tasted sweet like maple.

"haha... there you go brother, be yourself..."

Alfred said to himself smiling.


The Future



You and Matthew were engaged.

You didn't have any children. But you adopted a girl named Amy.

And your life was beautiful...till the end.

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