Hetalia Overly Attached Boyfriend!Spain x Reader

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My friend is letting me use her computer for awhile so thank her for letting me post this oneshot :D

enjoy now


“ Spain enough of this nonsense. I have to go visit my friend.” You yell out in annoyance. Spain or his real name Antonio has been your boyfriend for the past 8 months. There was this thing that got on your nerves, he was too attached. He wouldn’t let you visit your guy friends since he was worried if you would be cheating on him.

“ Please ermosa… i can’t let you leave me alone.” You yanked out of his arms as you picked up your purse heading out the door.

“ Bye now Antonio don't worry I’ll be back.” You said with a smile walking out closing the door. He stood up picking up his pocket knife, saying to himself with a smirk,

“ Don’t worry ___________ i’m coming to protect you.” He licked the knife as he spoke to himself.


* * *

You were hanging out with Prussia, laughing watching some horror movies that weren’t really scary at all. You had your head leaning against Prussia’s looking at the bad quality on how the movie was filmed. Prussia was going on a small rant in how awesome he was but you just kept saying ‘okay’ as he kept talking and talking. You had fallen asleep after a while laying against Prussia with a blanket around you. Prussia looked over at you finally realizing you were asleep.

“ Awww the little one has now fallen asleep. She looks so cute” He said placing a small kiss on your forehead, smiling to himself. But then all was heard was the door was slammed open as you jumped in shocked. Spain  was standing in the doorway with a grin on his face saying,

“ Touching mi nina aren’t you?” Prussia was a bit confused.

“ Hey Antoni whats gotten into you?” But he was cut off by Spain’s grip on his neck.

“ Hush little boy. this will only take a minute.” He growled as you ran up to him trying to yank Gilbert out.

“ Let him go Spain! You don’t know what you're doing!” You yell out but was knocked back by Spain’s leg. You sat up just seeing in time, Spain stabbing the knife right into Prussia’s chest. You yell out,

“ Prussia!” As you ran over to Spain throwing a kick into his face as he fell over. You grabbed the closest thing to you, which it was a glass bottle throwing it into his forehead as he layed there unconscious . You try regaining your breath, seeing your closest friend dead and your boyfriend hurt. You picked up the home phone dialing 911.

“ Hello this is the police station what seems to be the problem?” one of the lady asks.

“ Hello there has been a murder scene that just happened in my house and i need someone to arrest the man…” You slowly started to feel light headed feeling horrible. It was the first time something big happened.

“ Okay can you please give us your number?’’ you do as she says as she speaks again,

“ We will be right over th-..” But than the connection was lost.

“ Hello? Hello? Miss?” You yell out worried. But at least they got the address before the connection was lost. You sighed turning back around seeing the man you wished wasn’t here with you, Antonio.

“ Antonio!” You yell out dropping the phone. You could see the blood falling down from the side of his face. you gulped backing up bumping into the couch. He had a rope in his hand as you felt your heart race. You jumped over the couch picking up a lamp ready to throw it. He smirks as he threw the knife at you before you could move it aimed towards your eye. You scream in pain falling over to the ground sitting on your knees, seeing the blood fall down your left eye.

“ Why Spain… Why?” You tried to find some breath but felt your left eye close still feeling burn. He smirks standing infront of you.

“ You promised you wouldn’t cheat on me… Remember?” You take huge breaths, saying quietly.

“ I never did Antonio… Nothing happened between us. You screwed us all now. See you in hell.” You say your final words falling onto the cold ground. He was about to finish you off but all was heard was a siren go off. The police running into the house shooting at Antonio yelling out,

“ We got you surrounded Antonio!... Its game over” The Police Captain, France or his real name Francis, said to himself with sadness.

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