FOB meets reader,the youtuber

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(i don't know FOB's personalities so bare with me!)

"Yes! Free backstage ticket to see FallOutBoy!" You exclaim to yourself kissing the ticket.

You decide to vlog about this.You set up the camera,adjusting the lighting.

"Hello everybody! Guess what i have huge news!" You say into the camera.

"Im getting to meet FALL OUT BOY!" You scream.

~Time Skip~

You were backstage sitting on the couch. Fall Out Boy were singing their last song.

You felt your heart race and your mind going blank.

"What what what should i say?! What if they think im weird! What if they hate me?" You yell in your mind

You look around the room and all of sudden you hear screaming.

"The song is done..." You thought. Your face heated.

"No no no!" You exclaim. So much for a plan.

The door knob twisted. You widen your eyes as you feel like your world was going in slow motion.

The door opens...revealing..

Just the janitor. You mentally face-palm yourself, slouching over.

"Great." you groan.

"Whats wrong?" You hear a voice say. You sit up straight seeing it was them.

"O-oh nothing,nothing."You stutter,blushing embarrased.

"You must be (y/n)! Hey welcome!" Patrick exclaims extending this arms out.

You hesitate a bit before getting up to hug him.

"So what do you say we go get coffee?" Peter suggests. You nod rapidly.

"Backstage tickets my shit..It feels like hang out with FOB day." You think,smiling. You all head out the back door.

Many screaming were going on. You all rush into the car and drove off.

You sink downwards feeling akward.

"Socially awkward i see?" Patrick teases making you giggle.

"Haha yah.Sorry about that." You blush.

"Wait aren't you that you-tuber named,(youtube name)?" Joe asks.You nod.

"Oh yah! We have watched your channel. We always see you with our merch and jamming out to our music." Andy laughs.

You felt like you were going to explode.

The car stopped as you looked outside.

Starbucks here were are.

"Come on now!Lets go!" Patrick exclaimed,pulling you out the car.


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