Attack on Titan Levi x Reader

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"Levi you know I'm afraid of heights!" You yell at him with anger. For your training you had to swing across trees in training in case getting attacked by a titan. He dragged you all this way to put you on a tree.

"Man up (y/n)!" He yells up at you, you holding onto the tree for sake. He face palms groaning.m You look down at him than back up looking at a tree branch 10 feet away from you. You take a small gulp,pulling away from the branch walking towards the branch. Hearing the branch cracking. You widen your eyes in fear.

"(y/n) jump god damn it!" Levi yells at you with fear in his tone. You were scared,taking a deep breath,running towards the branch it was starting to break.

"Jump now!" Levi yells, as you jump feeling you couldn't make it...Luckily you did. Your hands grabbed the branch,your feet dangling off.Levi sighs in relief but his relaxation  cut away. He heard footsteps..loud footsteps.

"Titans..." Levi mumbles.He widens his eyes yelling at you,

"(y/n)! Jump they're coming!" you felt your heart race,

"I-i cant!" You yell at him worriedly.

"Jump ill catch you!" He held his hands out.

"Levi just go! They'll kill you too if you don't go!" 

"Im not leaving you behind! I cant loose another person! i cant okay! I just cant!" You could hear how scared he was. he must be in so much pain...loosing everybody was hard. You closed your eyes loosening your grip... and you released. You felt soft palms holding you tight. You made it safe...for now. Levi ran holding you tight. You could hear some screaming,screams of fear...screams of death...this was a challenge. Levi stopped seeing some weapons and some tanks on the ground. Death had come. Levi sets you back on your feet,seeing the titan 20 feet away from you two.

"We cant destroy it.." Levi murmurs. You look at him with sadness,looking back at the titan saying,

"Than i'll have to sacrifice.." You run over to the weapons,hooking yourself up. You could hear Levi run over to you,

"Your insane!'

"You just figured that out." you snicker.

"Your the only one left! I cant loose you!" he reaches his hand out to you,but you slapped it away.

" I order you to stop!" He yells.

"And I'm not going to listen!" You snap.

"Your the captain ! They need you!... and they're not loosing you." You whisper the last part sadly. You look into his eyes,placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye Levi..." You say, flying away.

"(y/n)!" you fly towards the titan landing on his arm. You run upward, dodging some attacks. You look at the face seeing it come at bit your arm off. You scream in pain,feeling the blood and heat. You grit your teeth,holding the tears.

"N-no...I'm not done with you yet..." You mumble to yourself. You charge up its neck,slicing thru it. You finished it...and it finished you. Your vision went blurry,you falling over,hitting the ground hard...a solider... a hero...was gone.


"(y/n)..." Levi held your hand. You were getting taken cared of by the doctors. You've been in a coma for 2 months. Everybody thought you were dead...but Levi never gave up. You had your arm changed into a robotic one. You coughed a bit,surprising him.

"(y/n)?!" You fluttered your eyes open looking to the side groaning you say,

"God damn it..where am i?" Levi pulls you into a hug, you widen your eyes in surprise. 

"I knew you were alive..." He whispers burying his face into your neck. Your face heated up,looking to the side seeing your new arm.

"Levi...Im sorry I made you couldve just let me go..." You than felt his hand go across your face. You felt heat on your cheek.

"Dont you dare say that! I canr loose you because... I-i love you." he looks into your eyes tearing up.


'Shh, dont ruin this for me." He snickers pulling you into a kiss. The kiss was warm and gentle...the oppisite of what Levi acts like.

"I love you too Levi..."

~Next up: Hetalia Abusive!Prussia x Reader x Germany ~

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