Black Butler Sebastian x Reader:Homecoming

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"Will you come with me to the homecoming?" Sebastian held your hand, holding a black rose. Your cheeks flushed with redness as you smiled.

"Of course. I would love to go with you." You take the rose,smelling it.

"This rose represents how much i love you ____."

"So i represent darkness and evil to you?" You tease,walking away. Sebastian chuckled to himself hearing somebody call him. He turns around seeing the snotty girl you hated, (girl name).

"Oh hello (girl name)." He replies. She had a huge smile form on her face.

"Look i wanted to ask you something Sebby. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to homecoming with me?" She squealed.

"Oh im sorry, but im already going with someone." He had a small smile.

"Oh really who?!" She tried to hide her anger wanting Seb all to herself.

"_____. I was very glad she accepted taking her." She had a grin across her face. She always loved to torture and make you miserable.

"Oh really? I feel sorry for you Sebastian." She sighed sadly looking down. He tilted his head in confusion. She looked up,seeing he was confused.

"Didn't you hear? ____ Only uses men just to become popular and for sex. Its really sad If only i could've warned you sooner. Well have fun with her." She looks down,walking away the opposite direction from him.Trying to hide her huge grin.

He stood there in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He held out his hand yelling out,

"Wait (girls name)!" She turned to look at him with a confused face.

"Yes sebby?" She acted all innocent.

"Will you come to the dance with me instead?" She ran over to him,throwing herself onto him.

"Yes!" She yelled holding him tightly.

~~~~<Time Skip to the Dance>~~~~

Sebastian and (girl name) were on the dance floor,dancing the waltz. You were outside the school waiting for Sebastian.

"He may be inside already." You said to himself walking into the school. You walked to the gym, going on your tip toes, trying to find him.

"Sebastian!" You yell out. You pushed thru the crowd,seeing something you never wanted to see. (Girl name) and Sebastian kissing, so passionate and deep. You widen your eyes,running out of the gym, cursing to yourself.

"I should never trust a demon..."

(really short sorry)

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