Hetalia Pirate England x invisible!Reader

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You were so lonely. You were invisible to everybody... Even Canada. You were the most invisible person in the world. Nobody would notice you during class, home, parties... nowhere. You sigh and decide to hide somewhere nobody would even bother to go... The closet. You walk thru the hallways trying to find a closet.

You finally spot a closet and open the door. You spot a man with yellow hair and a pirate hat sitting in the corner. You walk up to the man seeing that he looked so much alike to Arthur. " England?'' you ask. He looks up at you and had a slight smile. " I'm sorry, but im not England.'' You tilt your head a bit. " But you look exactly like him...'' ''' Well I'm not him... The names Pirate England.'' he says holding out his hand. "I'm (y/n)"

You shake his hand and sit down next to him. "Umm, I never actually seen you before. Are you new here?'' He shakes his head side to side. " Actually I am new here, but I'm not around here....'' this really made you confused. " Wait... are you trying to say that you are... A spirit?'' He laughs a bit. " Well love, it's very complicated to explain.'' You nod. " Oh ok...'' you look away having your legs against your chest, burying your face into your knees.

He looks over at you and puts his hand on your shoulder. " Love? What's the matter?'' he asks, with a bit of worry. You look over at him, still having your head on your knees. " Have you ever been so invisible to everybody?'' he raises an eyebrow. " what are you trying to say?'' You sigh and just look back into your knees. " Nevermind... Forget what I said.''

~Pirate England POV~

I felt so horrible for her. I actually knew who she was all this time. Since she was born, I always took care of her when she was alone. I was a ghost that time. Her parents never saw me, so I got to be with her a lot. But later on she got hurt when we were playing by getting shot with a death arrow. The only way she would've lived if I erased her memories with me and never see her again until she was 18.

But now I got to meet her again. I take her hand and gently squeeze it a bit. She looks over at me. " What are you doing?'' she asks. I smile putting my hand on her cheek. " Remember when you were young and always played with this person only you could've seen?'' She widens her eyes. That question, must've reminded her.

" Y-yes.... And that person... was you?'' She had one tear run down her cheek. I wipe it away with my thumb. " You remember, love.'' I say with a sigh. She throws herself onto me wrapping her arms around me. I fall over having her on top of me. She starts crying a bit in joy. " I thought I've never see you again...'' she sniffs. " wait... I thought I erased your memory.'' I was so confused now, '' You never did... I will always remember you...'' she smiles resting her head on my chest. We laugh a bit hearing the party going on outside.

" I think you should head out now, people will start worrying about you.'' I say lifting her face to mine. She shakes her head. " Nobody will even notice me... even of they did, I'll rather be with you.'' I blush a bit having a faint smile. I look into her (e/c) eyes and move her hair out of her face. I lean up too her, gently touching our lips together. We passionately kiss laying on the ground. We pull back and just cuddle together and have a little fun (if you what I mean). " I love you (y/n).'' '' I love you England...''


~The Future~

You and Pirate England were married. You had a child which was a girl. Her name was Angel. But later on when Angel was 13, you and Angel died in a burning building. But that didn't stop the family. You both had an after life and lived on as spirits with Pirate England. Now the whole family were spirits.

You all weren't seen, but at least were all together.

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