A wonderful time at McDonald's (America x Reader)

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I was walking down the street heading too get lunch. It was a quiet afternoon outside. It kinda gave me suspicion though... Anyways cars were passing by and children riding bikes. I accidentally bumped into a white dog. It didn't have no collar so i guess he was either lost or lonely. I bent down to pet it.

"Hey boy want to come with me!? Im getting a burger and you might want some!"

The dog barked with joy, i guess he didn't eat awhile. I laughed as i stood up and continued walking. I finally saw the place i was looking for...

McDonalds dude!!!!! Oh sorry, lost track!.... I walked up too the door as i was about too open it , i saw a sign that said 'no dogs allowed'. I sighed and looked over to the dog playing with my shoelaces. I bent down and smiled.

" ok boy, they won't let you in here. I'll be back though ok? So stay put!"

The dog barked and went over to the corner of McDonalds and hide. I smiled and opened the door heading in. When i shut the door i saw how long the line was...... It was like 20 feet long!!!! I sighed knowing this would take a long while. And it might make the dog impatient. I walked over to an empty table sitting down, so i could wait awhile until the line would shorten. I played with my hand actually not knowing what was i doing.

I then saw somebody by me. I looked up and noticed a girl with (h/c) and (e/c). Damn.... she looked so cute! And actually she was better than any girl then i saw! She didn't have any makeup not even a little! This made her look special.

"May i help you dude?"

I said still looking into her beautiful (e/c).

"umm well is this seat taken? The place is kinda full already..."

She said shyly thinking she would get rejected. I smiled and laughed.

" Nah man you can sit!"

She smiled feeling better. She nodded in thanks and sat down. She was eating 1 burger, 1 large fries and a coke. I kept looking at her not realizing that i was. She kept eating as she sipped her coke. She was looking down as she looked back up at me having a confused face. She put her hand waving it across my face seeing if i was alright. I shaked my head and laughed nervously.

"so-sorry man! I didn't mean to freak you out, but its just..."

I said stopping myself not wanting to say the last part. The girl giggled and smiled putting her hand back down.

" what is it? You can tell me!"

I looked away blushing as i also noticed the line was opened. I knew this was my time to escape not telling her.

"well what do you know! The line is empty! Better get my food now...um see ya!"

I rushed over to the counter ordering my food quickly. I knew the girl kept looking at me confused wanting to know what i was going to say. I ordered 5 burgers 2 large fries and a coke. I stood there waiting for it. They finally brought up the order as i payed them the money and rushed out to the exit.

" Hey wait!"

The girl yelled out across the room rushing over too me. I shut the door calling the dog to follow me and ran across the street. i turned back too see the girl far away from me. She ran across the street waving to stop. What she didnt see was a car coming towards her.

" hey look out!"

I stopped yelling to her while running up to her. She stopped in confusion as she turned directly seeing the car speeding towards her. She couldn't move due too fear. She closed her eyes and gasped in fear. She fell to her knees thinking she was dead...

But she wasn't.

I had my foot stopping the car turning too see the girl hiding her face in fear. I bent down too the girl removing her hands. She looked so cute when she was scared. I smiled as she had fear in her eyes. I picked her up in a bridal pose and laughed.

" Mine name is Alfred and yours?"

I said in a sorta loud whisper.

" i-i'm ________"

She said blushing having her face close too mine. I moved her hair out of her face putting it behind her ear.

" want to come over too my place?"

She nodded slowly still feeling scared. I laugh as i see the dog walking over towards me. He had the bag in his mouth and barked. I smiled as i carried the girl , and had the dog follow me towards my house.

I guess i should say...

I found love and a family?

(like my new cover for the oneshots? :D )

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