Black Butler Ronald Knox x Reader

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You stood their looking down at the floor not knowing what to do. You then heard footsteps run up to you. You looked up seeing it was your friend ,also a shinigami and your crush, Ronald Knox.

"Hey _____!"

He exclaimed standing infront of you.

"oh...hey Ronald."

You said with a nervous smile. He smiled and had a plate of food in his hands. He was chewing as he hands you the plate.

"Want some?"

He mumbled while still breathing.

"n-no im fine..."

You blushed looking away. 

Ronald's POV


I tilt my head in confusion. I never seen ________ act like this before. I walk up to her closer and notice her face getting a little redder. 

"No way....______ has a crush on me?!"

I thought to myself. But maybe i could be wrong. I grinned as i grabbed her hand.

"hey come with me man!"

exclaimed with a smirk. I started pulling her towards the balcony. 

"w-where are you taking me?"

She asks nervously. I ignore her question and kept pulling her. She tried pulling away but i gripped her arm tighter and kept dragging her. I walked up to the balcony and opened the door. I pulled her in as she stepped in. She widened her eyes astonished seeing how beautiful the sky was. She walks up to the the edge and looks up at the moon. I walk up to her and stand next to her.

"Its so....beautiful"

She commented looking up at the moon. I smile seeing on how happy she was.

"Like somebody i know..."

I say with a smile. She looks at me and started getting red. I stepped up to her and leaned my face closer to her. 

Reader's POV


I saw Ronald leaning his face closer to mine. I didn't know what to do. I pushed him away and backed up. I accidentally stop my step as i fell over the balcony. You flipped over but nearly grabbed the end with your hand.


Ronald yelled in fear. He took his hand trying to reach for you. 

"i-i can't!..."

i said slipping off a little. 

"-i can't hold on longer!"

you. yelled feeling your hands slipping.Ronald stretched out a little more but still couldn't reach you. Your hand slipped off as you started falling over.

"No ___!"

Ronald screamed. He jumped off the balcony to reach for you. (by the way the mansion was 6 stories high ) You fell over and thought you were going to die. You shut your eyes and kept falling. Ronald tried to fall faster to reach you. He finally got your hand and pulled you closer to him.You both kept falling over but before you reached the ground you felt someone else besides Ronald catch you. You opened your eyes and saw Ronald holding you but someone was holding Ronald.

"You both should be more careful"

It was Sebastain. Ciel walks up to us and sighs.

"You idiots, be more careful next time or i will let you both just fall next time."

You growled as you started pounding your hands onto his head. Ciel put his hands over his head trying to protect himself. You both started arguing... as usual.  Ronald stood up and laughed.

"Does two never stop arguing huh?"

Sebastain said with a facepalm.

"But i can stop them"

Ronald said. He walked up to you. He moved your face to his and crashed his lips onto yours. You blushed madly and widened your eyes. His lips were so soft. Ciel smirks as he backs away. Grell pops out of nowhere and aws.

"Aww isn't that so cute! Why can't my bassy and me do the same?"

Grell kept pouting as Sebastain kept groaning in annoyance. Ronald pulled back and gave a smile.

"I love you _____"

"I love you too Ronald."

He pulled you into a hug as you buried your head into his chest.

The Future


You and Ronald were married.

You had 1 boy which was named Al.

He tried to be awesome as his father but smart like his mother. Life was peaceful as ever... but Ciel kept annoying you, so you tried to kill him. But not for real... maybe.

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