(insert) x reader:Just an Illusion

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(i)=name insert
You were walking down D-hall with your boyfriend/girlfriend,(i). You both were walking hand and hand.He/she started making silly jokes making you giggle.

People always gave you both weird looks.Mostly because you both were really weird,but you didn't care that was you.

"(y/n),prom is almost here and i want to take you.Would you come with me?" He/she asks making you scream,

"Yes!" Everybody looks at you weirdly making you blush embarrassed.

"I mean...I would love too." You whisper,biting your lip.(i) chuckles before placing a kiss on your cheek.You smile as you both walk towards your class.

He/she says your goodbyes,placing a kiss on each others lips,leaving.

You walk into algebra class,sitting at the group table you were assigned. Your friends walk in sitting next to you.You all chat before working.

You get a text from (i).

'Hey babe.After school lets go buy you a dress😘'

You squeal before responding with,


You sigh in relief not being able to wait for after school.

~Time Skip to after school~

You were meeting up with (i) outside the stores inside the mall.You spotted him/her on a bench all alone looking down at his/her phone.

You smile running over to him/her.

"(i)!" You yell giggly.He/she looks up noticing you.He/she stands up running over to you pulling you into a tight embrace.

"now how about we go get that dress babe?" (i) plants a kiss on your lips before dragging you along.

~time skip to 2 days,day before prom~

You wake up from your bed,hair all over your face(unless you don't have hair than sorry).You groan before looking at your phone.

"shit." You mumble before sliding yourself off the bed before groaning all the way to the bathroom.You do your daily routine before rushing over to your school.

You haven't gotten a text from (i) which worried you.

~Time Skip~

5 periods already passed by and no sign of (i).

'Where is he/she?' You think worriedly. You see one of your guy friends (f/n).

"Hey (f/n)." You say.He looks at you smiling.

"Hey!" You sigh before asking,

"Have you seen (i)?" You ask.He raises an eyebrow.

"Who?" You roll your eyes playfully before responding with,

"Haha very funny (f/n).Really do you know where (i) is?" You ask again.He shook his head.

"I don't even know a (i)." He states. You widen your eyes before saying,

"Look stop playing with me (f/n).Where is she/he?" You start feeling your blood boil from anger and confusion.

"(y/n) i told you! I don't know a (i)! Who is this person anyways?!" he yells.

"My boyfriend/girlfriend! I introduced you to him/her and we always hang out during lunch!" You scream.He widens his eyes in shock.

"(i)? You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?" He asks.You groan before storming off. You didn't get why he kept playing with you like that.You say one of (i)'s friends.

"Hey (i/f).Have you seen (i)?" You ask. (i/f) raises an eyebrow.

"Who's that?" before walking off.You widen your eyes before starting to run down the hall.You race over seeing one of (i) teachers.

"Ms(teacher name)!" You yell out.She smiles at you.

"Hello (y/n).Is there something you need?" She asks as happily.

"Have you seen (i)?" you ask worriedly.

"Um (i)? I don't know any (i)'s.Sorry sweetie." She said a bit disappointed.You mentally were screaming before running off without explaining.

You push yourself through the crowd and run towards the exit of school.You had to find (i).

you remember his/her house.At points you always dropped (i) off at his/her house. You run down the streets and roads finally reaching the place.

You knock on the door rapidly as it opens revealing a man around his 40's.

"Yes?" He asks.You try catching your breath.

"Is ...(i)... here?" You pant looking down.He raises an eyebrow,confused.

"Im sorry you must have the wrong place.No (i) lives here."

"B-but!But! I always drop (i) off here!" You yell in shock.He widens his eyes before responding with.

"You must be imagining things young one."He scoffs before walking back in shutting the door.You walk off before looking down at the ground.

"(i)...Where are you?" you whisper deciding to go back home.You sadly walk the whole way there.Nobody was home and luckily you had a spare key.You open the door before walking towards your room.You plop down onto the bed,cursing to yourself.

You just than decided to check your phone.You unlock it,going through your photos. You widen your eyes seeing something wrong.

There was no picture of (i)!

All the photos of you two were only a picture of yourself. You scream throwing the phone across the room.

You rush over to your closet seeing the dress was still there.(picture above)You take it out,hovering it over your body.

'You look like a princess (y/n)!' you remember his voice when he/she told you that at the store.Your eyes start to water.(i)...where was he/she?

You throw the dress away before laying back down on your bed.You close your eyes for a bit trying to comprehend everything.

The way people looked at you both.
The way people whispered when you two were around.
The way people made fun of you,pointing and laughing.

A realization hits your mind making you open your eyes ,scared. Your whole body starts shaking.

You stand up ,slowly heading towards the bathroom.You open the bathroom door,looking yourself at the mirror.

You start to cry,

The way he/she held your in your arms.
The way he/she made you laugh.
The way he/she made you feel loved.
The way he/she told you to never give up.
The way he/she told you to always smile.
The way he/she said...'Ill always be there for you.'

You fall over to the hard cold floor,trying not to puke.

"(i) was....Just an illusion."

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