Two Italians? Feliciano x Reader x Lovino:Pt.3

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"Wha..." You were shocked. Both of the italians stood up,standing in front of you.

"Look _____ we both love you very much, and wanted to ask you out, but now we decide that you should pick" Romano says.

"Who will you pick bella? Romano or a-me?" Italy said in his cute italian voice which made you blush.

"Or do you prefer being the loner girl?" Romano smirks,making you bite your lip.

"Can i have both?" you thought to youself. You sighed ,not knowing what to say or pick. Just than your friend Trish pulled you to her.

"Come on lets watch the movie now!" She squealed with glee pulling you into the theaters,seeing the italians looking at you,turning your head away.

"Just in time right?" She asks,holding the popcorn box,sitting in the seat. Your thoughts were set on this situation you just had.

"___?Whats wrong?" She looks at you with worry seeing your face focused at your hands.

"Huh.oh its justs my two best friends have a crush on me and now i have to choose." You sigh facepalmimg. She awes and smiles.

"Remember this, whoever you appreciated the most and played around the most is the one.So who are you going to pick?" She takes a sip from the coke. You looked at her,

"I know who it is! It's (Romano or Italy)!" Just than everybody shushes you as you stood up thanking your friend running out the theaters to look for him.

"I finally know my true love!" you thought loudly to yourself.

(okay next posts are your choice so yah thanks for reading!)

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