Black Butler AloisSister!Reader x Ciel Phantomhive (Part2)

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(never made the next part of this...So sorry! Now i am! ^-^)

You ran across the kitchen cleaning the plates and the floor. The gang was watching your every move seeing how fast you were.

"Whoa look at her go!" Finny said in wow.

"Why aren't you the ones cleaning?" They all jump in fear,hearing the voice. You turn around seeing the scared looks on their faces looking at Sebastian. You could see dark aura forming around him as you shake.

" Actually, i pleaded to clean." You confess,walking up to him. He looks at you with those red bloody eyes making you squeal scared.

"I-im sorry!" You plead. You could see a smirk grow on his face.

"No need to apologize. Its my duty to keep you to your needs. You may return to what you were doing." He walks away as you take a big sigh of relief.

"Man he is scary." You say as they all nod in unision.

"Have to agree on that. But he's really nice once you get to know him." The maid said. You shrug.

"Well i hope i get on his good side, by the way i never got your names." You say. They all smile bowing down.

"Im Mey-rin."
"Im Finny."
"and im Bardroy" They all respond after one another. You smile.

"Im (y/n) (y/l/n). " You curtsy.

"Anyways it was nice seeing you. Bye for now." You wave running off. You go around looking thru many rooms to find Ciel.Sadly you couldnt find him. You sigh in defeat deciding to take a small rest and enjoy the outdoors. You walk out to the garden seeing the beautiful bushes. You see bright red rose and black ones. 

'Whoa.." You say quietly,running up to them. You take a small sniff,seeing something that caught your eyes. A maze. You walk up to the entrance. You see there was a small note.

"Hello (y/n), i see you found this note. Well i know youre trying to see Ciel Phantomhive but he is very busy...In the center of this maze.If you wish too see him,than you will do your best to go thru here.Good Luck." You groan and look back at the maze. The maze was full of bushes and you were terrified to go thru this. You take a small step in wanting to see how it is.You hear something shut. You turn to see the entrance was gone.

"The hell.." Was all you mumbled.You look back and decided to run this out. You pick the sides of your dress,so you wouldnt fall,and ran. 

~Time Skip~

You were all worn out. You sat down on the dirt,taking a break. 

"God damn it Ciel...See what im doing for you." You whisper to yourself.You close your eyes,wanting to catch your breath.

"Hello Darling." Was all you heard before you blackened out. It was Sebastian. He mustve used a spell from a witch to put you to sleep quickly. He picks you up,as he jumps around the maze,finally reaching the middle. There was pink petals around, a white table and 2 chairs. Food was arranged like if it was a secret date. he sets you down,smiling towards Ciel. He nodded,escorting Sebastian away.

"Yes my lord." He said,jumping away.You yawned a bit,stretching.Ciel realized you were awakening. He worries a bit. He didnt know why but he did. Since you were a childhood friend of his he wanted to make a good first appeareance. You saw that your vision was a bit blurry. All you saw was white,pink and a big blob of blue in front of you.


"Hello (y/n), we meet again."

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