Marriage: Part 5

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10 months later

"Come on Maddie, stop crying" you said rubbing her back but she still screamed over and over again.

You and Austin had been trying to put her asleep for the last 2 hours, we got up at 1am to come in here and it's around 3 maybe even 4 am now, but she'll only quiet down for a few minutes then as soon as you think she's finally asleep she starts crying, screaming, and fussing all over again.

Austin's tried a billion different times and you've done the same, but she just won't quit and you guys can't figure out why. You've fed her, changed her, burped her, tried playing with her, and you've both tried putting her to sleep multiple times, but none of it is working.

"Maddie, please stop crying" Austin begged removing his hands from his face. She stopped and looked over at him then started crying again.

Austin came over and snatched her out of your arms, immediately after he left the room. "Austin what are you doing?" you asked running behind him but he didn't answer. You followed him down into the kitchen and he went in the fridge and got her another bottle.

"You're not supposed to fee-"

"Do you think I care? we want sleep as much as she does right now, possibly more!" he said firmly.

He immediately took off the cap and gave it to her, but she pushed it away. "Maddie stop!" he said with a stern tone as she looked up to him with her glowing eyes scanning Austin's face "Dada" she said and Austin's face softened and he smiled slightly "Yeah Maddie" he said and she giggled blurting out random sounds then clapping her hands together. He gave the bottle back to her and she finally gave in and drank it, then after that Austin paced the kitchen over and over again patting her back, shushing her. she lowly started whining again "Maddie, it's okay" he said rubbing her back but she still whined "Daddy's here" he whispered and her fussing was now barely audible "I know" he said patting her back and eventually she was asleep and Austin fist pumped the air and raised his fist to the ceiling holding the baby in his other hand as a wide smile came across your face.

He slowly walked upstairs and laid her back in the crib, he kissed her cheek and turned out the main light so that the night light illuminated the room.

"Wow Austin" you said as quiet as possible from the door.

"What?" he said turning around.

"You actually got her to go to sleep, and she called you Dada" you said crossing your arms smiling.

"I know" he said looking down at her with a wide smile.

"I think she's gonna be a daddy's girl" you said.

"(Y/N) you know she's gonna be a mommy's girl. She responds to you more than she does to me" he said.

"Austin what you did down there, I couldn't do, I didn't think to do it. She has more affection to you than me" you whispered.

"She has affection for the both of us, this one time I just happened to figure out what to do, don't think just because I got lucky she responds to me better" he said gripping your chin with his thumb and index finger.

"It seems like she does" you said.

"I know, she'll be a mommy and a daddy's girl" he sighed smiling "I still can't believe she called me Dada" he said beaming with excitement.

"It was a very cute moment" you said smiling.

He came over and grabbed your hand pulling you out the door, then closing it. He walked down with you into the room and you both got into bed glancing over at the clock that read 5:22am. You both laughed in unison and cuddled up to each other before falling asleep.

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