He Teaches You How To Swim

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Austin asked you yesterday if you wanted to go with him to the beach and he gladly agreed.

"Austin are you ready?" you asked.

"Yes, are you ready babe?" he said mocking your tone then chuckling.

"Yeah I'm ready" you said smiling

"Alright, well the guys are gonna meet us there, okay?" he said

"Okay, that's fine" you said walking out to the car hand in hand.

He helped you in and walked over to his side of the car. As you were driving down to the beach he broke the silence.

"Do you know how to swim?" he asked and you shook your head no shamefully.

"Babe, it's okay if you don't....I can teach you" he said occasionally glancing over at you from the road.

"Yee...I'd like that" you said excitedly. He nodded and eventually you pulled up and Austin parked the car and got your beach bags from the back.

"Hey you two" Robert said jogging up to the car.

"Hey Robert" you said giving him a quick hug then running down to the beach with your bag as Austin and Robert did their bro handshake and followed behind you.

"You wanna get in now or later?" Austin asked you.

"Now, if that's okay with you?" you said

"Yeah it is, come on" he said reaching out for your hand, then guiding you into the water.

"You're not gonna let me drown are you?" you giggled looking over at Austin.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to my girl" he said looking over at you.

"Okay well this water is up to my chest now" you said looking down into the water.

"Well we aren't on the shore anymore (Y/N)" he said looking back.

"Yeah true, so what am I supposed to do?" you asked.

"Alright well for one stop trying to stand on the sand all the time just float, swing your feet back and forth" Austin said holding you up by your waist.

"Like this?" you asked looking down at your feet.

"Yeah, now I'm gonna let go alright?" he said as he slowly pulled his hands away.

"Austin no, what if I can't stay up? what if I drown or something?" you said as you began to slightly panic.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, do you trust me?" he asked looking at you, but you didn't respond so he lifted your chin up so you'd look at him "Do you trust me?" he repeated the question.

"Yes, of course I do" you said back.

"Then don't think for a second that I'm gonna let anything happen to you" he said as he let go.

"Oh my god, I'm floating!!!!" you screamed in excitement.

"Yup, I told you....now you just have to actually swim so give me your hands." he said reaching his hands out to you in which you gladly took.

"Now what?" you asked curiously.

"You're gonna make little semi circles with your hands and pull yourself forward" he said.

"What?" you said giggling in confusion.

"Here look..." he said as he motioned your hands in circles causing you to come closer to him.

"Ohhhh" you said as you copied his movement.

"Yeah there you go" he said slowly backing up as you came closer.

"What about that other thing, where you swing your arms one at a time over your head....or something?" you asked weirdly.

"Ohhh...I know what you're talking about" he said as he dove into the water doing exactly what you asked about "You're talking about this right?" he asked.

"Yeah" you said not even noticing you were swimming over to him.

"Well that's the main way to swim, but it doesn't seem like you need help with that....you're doing it right now" he said pointing at you. You immediately noticed  screeched and cheered.

"Yaaaaay, thank you so much for teaching me babe" you said.

"Yeah, and you're a quick learner" he said.

"Yeah or maybe I just have a good teacher" you said wrapping you arms around his neck.

"I know your teacher is amazing" he said smirking.

"Indeed he is" you said as you then shared a passionate kiss in the middle of the water, before swimming back to shore.

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang