Horizons: Part 4

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(Austin's POV)

It's been a complete 24 hours since that whole incident, I'm sitting in a hospital room with baby blue curtains, floor-to-ceiling windows, and leather white seats. She hasn't moved or said anything, Robert has come in and out as well as Alex and Zach. After explaining the whole situation to them last night they were livid. The police came and got Bret and another guy that I've never seen or met, they questioned me on who he was but I didn't know.

"Austin?" she mumbled stretching in bed.

"I'm right here" I said leaning over and taking her hand.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"You're in the hospital" I said and she nodded slowly sitting up and looking around I guess processing everything that's happened to her within the last 48 hours.

"How ya feeling?" I asked rubbing tiny circles over her knuckles.

"Okay, I guess, I'm glad you're here" she mumbled smiling.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was so scared last night Austin" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I promised you that I would come and get you, I'm not gonna let anything happen to my girl" I said.

She scooted over and patted the empty spot on the bed, I smiled and stood up quickly sitting beside her pulling her into my arms. I rubbed semi circles in her back and kissed her forehead, then she turned her head and began to cry into my chest.

"Baby please don't cry" I said.

"Austin...I-It was...-" she stopped as more sobs came out.

"I know, it's okay, I'm here now" I said pulling her completely into my lap.

"I love you Austin" she mumbled.

"I love you too baby, so so much" I said kissing her tear stained lips.

We sat here like this for I don't know how long, seconds, minutes, hours....I know it wasn't days though. Eventually she calmed down and we were just cuddling for the moment, until a policeman and the doctor came in.

"Mr. Mahone, can I speak to you in the hall?" the doctor asked as the policeman walked over to the bed.

"I'll be right back okay?" I told her easing off of the bed, but she gripped my hand tighter.

"Austin..." she whispered glancing over to the officer and back at me.

"It's okay, he's just gonna ask you some questions. If you don't wanna answer them, then you don't have to" I breathe to her and she nodded slowly.

I then walked out of the room and out to the doctor.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Mr. Mahone, I'm Dr. Grant"

"Nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine, and your...-"

"Girlfriend" I said.

"Your Girlfriend, is fine for the most part. No intense damage done to her body physically, but emotionally..."

"Emotionally what?" I asked.

"She seems to be a bit traumatized, that's nothing serious dealing with her brain or anything involving the rest of her body, but she experienced a lot within the last 48 hours. So just don't expect her to be completely stable with her emotions or attitudes towards anything for a while" Dr. Grant said.

"So to put it in a simple way, she's gonna be fine" I said.

"Yes, and she can go home now" he said.

"Alright, thank you" I said before he nodded and walked all the way down the hall back towards the front desk.


(Your POV)

I don't know why I suddenly grew nervous after seeing him leave the room. I haven't been with him the past two days and right now all I want is him, and then Austin said this officer wants to ask me some questions, what kind of questions? I don't know anything, I still don't understand why they kidnapped me if they believe Austin did something to them when honestly I don't believe Austin did anything, I believe what he said to me over the phone about what happened. My whole session of thoughts was ruined by the officer when the door closed after Austin and the doctor walked out.

"Mrs. Mahone-"

"We're not married" I stated but he gave me a stern look and still restated himself.

"Mrs. Mahone, we understand that you were kidnapped Thursday night around 9:50pm, is that correct?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes" I said.

"By whom?" he asked.

"I don't know"

"So you don't know the men who kidnapped you?" he asked.

"No, I do not" I said as clear as possible.

"Okay, so what happened during the 29 hours you were there?" he asked.

"I was chained to a wall, constantly being slapped or hit for no reason and at random times I was yelled at" I said.

"So Bret didn't try to force you into any sexual relations?" he asked.

"Yes he did, but was gladly interrupted by Robert and Austin"

"Could there have been any possibility that Mr. Mahone kidnapped you?" he asked and I flipped my head around to him narrowing my eyes.

"Have you lost your last mind? No, he didn't kidnap me!" I almost screamed.

"It seems as if Mr. Mahone found you rather quickly once you called him, so I thought I'd ask the question" he said.

"Well don't" I spat.

"Can you tell me what happened the entire time you were there?" he asked writing something down on his notepad.

"I already did" I said.

"In detail ma'am" he said eyes locked on the pad.

"I don't want to" I said as the horrible images appeared in my head, I did not want to relive this so soon.

"Ma'am tell me in detail what happened" he demanded.

"No" I said crossing my arms looking down at my crossed legs covered by the bed sheets.

"You are required to answer these questions, just tell me what happened" he said.

"I don't want to!!" I screamed.

"Mrs-" he was cut off.

"Officer I think you need to leave" Austin said from the doorway glaring over at the officer then at me.

"She needs to answer-"

"She doesn't need to do anything, now I suggest you leave" he said gesturing to the door.

"Fine" he said closing his clipboard and walking out.

"You okay?" Austin said pulling me into his arms.

"No, he kept demanding me to answer stuff I didn't want to" I said.

"What did he ask you?" he asked.

I quickly explained to him all that happened, he nodded as I continued the short but seemingly long story. After finishing it, he packed my clothes and we left the hospital.

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