Early Mornings

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It was late night when you and Austin got home, you both were extremely tired so you just went to bed.

You were waken up by the dim sunlight filling the room. Austin had his arms wrapped around you while he was still asleep. You giggled and smiled feeling his steady breathing on your shoulder and his heartbeat against your back.

"What's funny?" he murmured with his eyes still closed in his morning voice.

"Nothing, go back to sleep" you said easing up out of bed before his arms locked around you.

"No, stay in bed" he said pulling you back into him.

"Austin, I have to pee" you said slightly whining.

"Ugh, hurry back to bed then" he said loosening his arms.

You quickly got up and walked over to the bathroom. You did what you had to, washed your hands then dried them walking back into the room. When you walked in and got halfway to the bed Austin held his arms open with a cheeky smile on his face.

"No" you said walking over to the closet to change into another pair of night pants.

"Wha-Why?" he pouted.

"Because" you yelled from inside the closet.

"Because what?" he said narrowing his eyes.

"Because, I don't feel like it yet" you said smirking.

Austin stood up and walked over wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Why are you doing this to me?" he mumbled into your shoulder.

"Doing what?" you asked.

"This, making me beg" he said kissing your shoulder.

"You're cute when you beg, maybe that's why" you teased.

"Stop" he whispered.

"No" you said mocking his tone.

"You'll regret that" he said.

"I will now?" you said turning around to face him, and raising a brow.

"Yes you will" he said smirking.

"Probably not" you snorted.

He stood back and stared at you making you giggled. You returned his stare as he let out a low chuckle before picking you up and carrying you over to the bed.

"Austin put me down" you said laughing.

"Never" he yelled.

"Put me down" you said before swatting his bum.

He swatted your bum almost immediately causing you to cry out. Then he kissed your thigh afterwards making you blush.

"Austin. Put. Me. Down." you screeched.

"You want me to put you down?" he asked.

"Yes...please" you said.

"Down you go" he said dropping you face first on the bed.

"Really?" you mumbled into the sheets.

"Yes babe really" he said crawling on top of you flipping you over to face him.

You knew exactly what he was about to do, he had that look on his face with that smirk. You giggled and stared up at him, until his look changed.

"Austin please"

"You said you wouldn't regret it" he said.

"I know, but please" you said holding your hands out in front of you.

"Don't be all nice now" he said grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head then pressing his soft lips against yours quickly pulling away and whispering in your ear.

"Tickle time" he whispered.

"No" you said as his hands roamed all over your sides, laughter coming from the both of you.

You tried to squirm and get loose, but he just tightened his grip around you. He continued to tickle you more and more as your laughter filled the room.

"Austin....I quit okay, you win" you said.

"You sure?" he asked still tickling you.

"Y-Yes, just stop" you pleaded.

"I get a kiss if I stop then" he said and you quickly nodded.

"Good girl" he said pulling you up into his embrace as his lips hovered over yours.

After the long intense kiss he laid down in bed pulling you down with him wrapping his arms around you once again.

"Austin..." you said.

"What?" he asked smiling.

"I love you" you said poking his nose.

"I love you too" he said pecking your lips again.

"I think I wanna go back to sleep for a few" you said.

"Alright, let's sleep for a little while longer then" he said kissing your forehead pulling you closer.

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