Unexpected: Part 2

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*Later that evening*

(Your POV)

It was around 10 and Austin wasn't home so I decided to just go to bed, I was a little tired considering all the things we've been doing lately dealing with the wedding.


I heard my phone vibrate on the bedside table, but I was too tired to respond to the message when it was actually Austin asking me could I open the door. I ended up falling back asleep before answering.


I heard my phone ring and I knew the ringtone it was the particular one I had set for Austin. I leaned up and answered it

"Mmmh...h-hello?" I said half asleep

"I texted you 3 damn times, it's cold out here come open the damn door" he spat back taking me by surprise.

"Alright, geez babe sorry...I'll be right there" I rushed downstairs and opened the front door to see him leaning against the doorway.

"Took your ass long enough" he spat.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned with why he suddenly got so angry with me.

"Yes I am, you'd know that if you paid more attention to things, also like the text messages from your husband asking nicely could you open the door for him" he retorted loudly making me flinch with every word.

"Austin....how many drinks did you have?" he sarcastically laughed "A few" he said smirking at me.

"Are you drunk?" I asked nervously of how he'd react.

"Does it seem like it?" and I said "Yes-"

"No, the correct answer is no!!" he yelled back at me.

"Look, take a shower and drink some water and come to bed...you'll feel better" I said while turning on my heels and beginning to walk towards the steps before being grabbed from behind.

"Don't walk away from me" he said dryly.

He pulled me back and turned me around, I just stared blankly at him and he pulled my waist roughly against his and starting kissing all over my neck. Honestly I love this, but I'm so tired.

"Austin.....stop" I said while pushing him off lightly as he grabbed my hands and held them in place to stop me from moving and pushing him away

"Austin..." I moaned out not knowing if in a good way or a bad way.

"Hmm?" he hummed into my neck

"Please stop, I would love to do this, but I'm really tired and I'm half asleep right now" I said but he still kept going at it.

"Austin!" I yelled and he gripped me tightly still continuing with what he was doing.

"Austin! I said stop, damn it!" I yelled at him in frustration and he pulled away.

"Did you just curse at me??" he said squinting his eyes at me

"Yes I did because you wouldn't-" and before I could finish I felt a burning tingling feeling on my cheek. He just smacked me. My eyes began to water, I was shocked that he actually just did that.

"Aww you're hurt aren't you?" he asked with a sarcastic tone, I turned around and ran towards the steps until he slammed me into the wall.

"I wasn't finished talking." he said as I started tearing up

"Austin please stop, you're scaring me and...you're hurting me" he shrugged and continued talking.

"You should've first opened that door when I texted you the first time and two you do as I say, I don't care if you're tired or not" and I squinted my eyes at him

"I was asleep you dickwad and so what are you gonna force me?" he slapped me again making the pain in my cheek increase.

"For fuck sakes, I told you to open the door...you should've gotten up and opened my damn door and don't get smart with me (Y/N)" he yelled holding my hands at my sides.

"So it's your door?" I said back

"Yes my door, my house what do you not get?" he spat.

"Last time I checked you said this was 'our' house" I spat back and he put his free hand up to my cheek while still having his other arm pressing me up against the wall.

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb "Aww baby don't ever think you're that special, this is mine, all of this is, the house, the car, and these cute little pj's you're wearing are mine, don't be stupid" he said while smiling and chuckling.

I pushed him off and started running up the steps and he ran up behind me and turned me around. I just completely collapsed in front of him.

"I'm about tired of you running away when I'm not done talking yet" he screamed as I could see the anger in his face.

I covered my face with my hands "Austin!" I yelled at him "What!!?" he yelled back "Stop!!" I screamed and his face softened but then returned as he laughed while now hovering over me.

"You don't tell me what to do" he said squeezing my sides "Get up" he said and I stood still and he yelled "I said get up!!"

He said while yanking me off of the steps and he smirked back, I stood up looking at him and he looked me up and down "Turn around" I didn't.

"Do it!!" I immediately turned around crying and he grabbed my sides and whispered in my ear "Now you can walk away" he said nudging me forward as I ran up to 'his' bedroom since everything was 'his' I shut and locked the door.

After a few minutes, he came up to the door "Babe open the door" and I ignored him and grabbed my red printed bookbag and stuffed everything I could into it. Then I texted the only person I knew who was close enough for me to get there from here which was Alex.

I texted him explaining everything and he said it was fine for me to come over and with that I put my shoes on, put my hair up into a messy bun, and left Austin a note on the bed so he wouldn't go crazy wondering where I went.

As I walked over to the window to open it so I could climb down then jump, I noticed the shiny thing on my finger and my eyes watered up. I quickly took the ring off and put it beside the note, then I went out the window and by car Alex's house is about '8 minutes' from here so it took me about 14 to get there. I walked fast and I got up to the door and knocked...

×Authors Note×

We all know Austin would never do anything like this or even anything close to this, he's a sweet, caring, and goofy type of guy. All the things in this 'part' imagines are just things to make it interesting. So please don't take offense.

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