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Austin got nominated for a Grammy and wanted you to tag along with him, the boys and his managers. The past week you both went into different stores trying to find the best possible thing to wear and now you were getting ready to go.

"(Y/N) could you help me with my tie real quick?" he asked anxiously.

"Yeah, I'll get it" you came over and noticed Austin was highly nervous due to him shaking and fidgeting. "Austin why are you nervous?" you asked while keeping direct eye contact on what you were doing.

"Because, this has been my biggest year yet, and what if I don't win?" he said looking down, then having you re-adjust his head, so you could fully see what you were doing.

"Austin you shouldn't be nervous. Whether you win or not, if you don't win now, there will be another time. Even if you don't win it doesn't mean you're any less than what you are, I think you're gonna win and everyone else does too, so you're gonna be fine okay?" you said finishing up with his tie.

"Right....okay" he said smiling and turning around.

"I'm ready to go if you are" you said cheekily. He looked up and nodded then you both walked out of your house and downstairs into the car with the rest of the boys.

"You guys clean up really nicely" you said to Robert, Zach and Alex as they popped their collars and bowed "Thank you" they said in unison causing you to laugh.

After driving for about 40 minutes you arrived. Immediately paparazzi surrounded the car. Austin got out first then helped you out. You both smiled while walking up the red carpet turning to different angles to let everyone take their pictures of the both of you. Everybody kind of grouped off, but you and Austin stayed together.

"You're really good at this (Y/N)" Austin leaned over and whispered to you.

"Ya think so, I thought I was kind of on the basic level" you giggled whispering back over to Austin.

"No, you're doing great...way better than expected" he winked.

"So you expected me to do bad?" you asked lowly with a smirk.

"No, I just didn't think you'd be this good the first time around" he said turning to face a different camera. "You ready to go in?" he asked. "Yeah, let's go" you said as Austin walked you towards the entrance of the huge building.

You both got in and you were amazed at how big it was.

"Baby close your mouth you'll catch flies" Austin said while lightly tilting your chin with his index ginger causing you to giggle.

"We should take some pictures to remember this day" you said pointing over at the 'Grammy Photo Booth'. Austin smiled and you guys walked over and he quickly paid as you jumped in getting ready for the photo.

"Alright, ready?" Austin said and you nodded. He pressed the button and you took your 5 pictures and got out. You grabbed the two strips and handed one to Austin, then you looked down at yours, the first one was of you two making a weird face.

The second one was you and him with your foreheads together staring at each other with Austin tilting your chin so your lips were barely touching. The third one was Austin's favorite face, one eye closed and his tongue sticking out. The fourth one was the both you laughing at god knows what..probably something he said. The last one of course, you both were kissing.

Austin looked up at you smiling and you giggled, he intwined his fingers with yours and walked you to your seat greeting different people. Eventually Robert, Alex, and Zach found their seats which were behind yours. You sat in between Austin and Ariana Grande. You played calm even though you were kind of spazzing out on the inside.

You tapped Austin and nodded your head over to her and he laughed.

"Ariana?" he said and she turned to face you both.

"Hey Austin" she said smiling.

"Hey, this is my girlfriend and she's a big fan." he said smirking and you shyly waved.

"Aww, Hi." she said smiling even harder.

"Really Austin?" you whispered and he shrugged and gave you a cheeky smile.

They finally got to Austin's category and his name popped up on the screen as one of the nominees and Austin looked up at his boys then over at you anxiously.

"Wow this person had this award by a long run" the speaker said opening the envelope.

"Alright the winner is *drum role* AUSTIN MAHONE!!!" everybody cheered and screamed as Austin's most recent song played.

You stood up to give him a hug and he was smiling so hard, you knew he was beyond happy. He did the 'bro hug' with his boys. Then you began to sit down but Austin grabbed your hand and began to walk down to get his award.

"Austin....what are you doing?" you whispered/yelled to him, but he just looked back and smiled "You know what I'm doing" he winked.

As you walked onto the stage you saw thousands of people staring down at you. You kind of felt nervous, but not too much. Austin squeezed your hand to reassure you that there was nothing to be nervous about as the crowd died down.

" I can't believe this happened, but I just want to thank my fans because without their hard work and dedication I wouldn't be where I am today, and I want to thank my boys, my mom, my managers just everybody for motivating me to keep going and for being with me from the beginning, and of course to my beautiful girlfriend for being there also....she hasn't been here from the beginning, but it feels like she has. Even though things get hectic, she still sticks by my side and I love her so much. (he looked over to you) So thank you everybody, this really means a lot to me." he said smiling.

Austin walked off stage looking over at you smiling ear to ear. You got back up to your seat and his boys clapped sarcastically causing you to giggle a little. Then they congratulated him. You leaned over to Austin "I told you, you had nothing to be nervous about" you said pointing to the award. "I know....thanks babe" he said kissing your cheek.

You guys went home and had a little celebration dinner to celebrate Austin's grammy, then before you went to bed you and Austin walked along the beach and talked.

×Authors Note×

I'm gonna update as much as possible, I hope these aren't too bad :)

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