Mistakes: Part 6

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(Austins POV)

The doctor then walked in "Well Mrs. Mahone, you can go home in about an hour. Your head is fine, you didn't break or crack anything. The only real damage were the bruises, they'll go away with time, but your memory is in your hands." he said as he walked out.

She nodded then got up and she flinched in pain "Hey....take it easy" I said while grabbing her hand and resting the other one on her waist to hold her up as she stood up slowly, then completely fell into me.

I laughed and asked her "Are you okay?"

She playfully hit me and I helped her stand all the way up, then I said "I'll be waiting for you outside"

She looked around and said "Austin.....I need help"

I looked down to the floor with a smirk then turned back to face her "With....?" and she pointed to her clothes "I can't do it myself...I can barely stand" she whined.

I walked back over & lifted her up bridal style and sat her back onto the bed making her blush a little, I giggled "You're cute" and she looked away smiling a little.

I went over and grabbed some clothes "Those aren't mine" she said looking at them.

"I know...I didn't think you'd want to wear what you had on that night...even though it wasn't bloody, but still" she nodded.

"So these are....?" "Mine" I finished for her, she nodded and I lifted her shirt off and she covered herself. I threw her one of her bra's from home that I had Alex man up to go get, he tried to find everyway not to go but he finally went "Put that on first" I told her looking through the rest of the bag.

She looked at me confused "Don't tell me you don't remember how to put a damn bra on?" I said and she looked at me "Sorry...I didn't mean to say it like that" I said and she nodded, then she slid it on whimpering a lot "You okay?" I asked and she nodded "My arms just hurt" she said.

I made an oh expression then I came over and gestured her to lean back, she did and I slid her pants off. Once again she covered herself as if I've never seen her naked before.

I threw her some underwear and she said "You're gonna have to help me with this....I can barely move me legs they're really sore"

I grabbed them and lightly pushed her back and pulled her towards me sliding them over her feet and up then I picked her up to pull them all the way up and she wrapped her legs around me. Which brought back a lot of memories for me, but for her probably not, then I sat her down and got a t-shirt and placed it over her head, then I grabbed my hoodie doing the same and I slid her leggings up as she held on to my shoulders "You're good at this" she said giggling and I looked up at her from an angle and smirked. I put her socks on and a red pair of Jordans that matched mine.

"These are mine?" she asked wiggling her right foot after I put the shoe on and tied it "Yes" I said still looking at her left foot as I tied the shoe laces.

"How....? I can't afford Jordans" she giggled.

I finished tieing her shoes and looked up at her "I got them for you last month" and she looked me directly in the eyes "You did that for me?" she asked.

"Yes (Y/N), yes I did....I'd do anything for you" I said brushing my thumb over her cheek, she put her hand over mine smiling then lightly pushing it away. I giggled and I grabbed the rest of her stuff and put it in my bag. I threw it over my shoulder and she looked at me innocently "I got you...come on" I gestured her over and she limped over and I held her up with my free arm as we walked out to the car.

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora