Marriage: Part 6

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Austin went out with his boys today, since yesterday he stayed because it was Madison's 4th Birthday. I know time goes fast right? she was a baby not too long ago, but today had been going well, you just stayed home and cleaned the house. You woke up Madison and made her breakfast while also doing every other thing you had to do that morning.

Madison was currently sitting in the living room watching TV, particularly SpongeBob SquarePants. She's addicted to that show, so to keep her occupied for a while you let her watch it.

You went into the laundry room and pulled the clothes out of the dryer, folding them, then going upstairs putting yours and Austin's away.

"Maddie, come put your clothes away!" you yelled from upstairs.

"But I don't want to do it" she yelled back.

"They're your clothes so you put them away" you said and she stomped up the steps walking into the room with her arms crossed.

"Don't give me that face, I'm not gonna do everything for you Maddie" you said.

"No" she said frowning.

"If you put your clothes away, I'll take you to get some ice cream" you said negotiating with her as a bright smile took over her whole face.

"Deal!" she yelled grabbing the basket and putting the clothes away.

You walked back downstairs and grabbed your phone picking it up and calling Austin really quickly.

Austin - Hello?

You - Hey

Austin - Hey babe

You - When are you coming home? because I'm taking Maddie out for ice cream.

Austin - I actually don't know, but it won't be too late, but okay you two have fun.

You - We will, and okay.

Austin - Alright, bye.

You - Bye

As soon as you ended the phone call she came running down the steps then skipping over to you humming while smiling.

"Ready to go mommy?" she said.

"Yeah sweetie, we can go now" you said stifling a laugh.

After that you both walked out to the car and got in, you made sure she was strapped into the booster seat. You slowly pulled out of the driveway then proceeded down the street. In the car she sang to every song on the radio, you laughed at how "into it" she was. Eventually after many karaoke moments you pulled into Coldstone, you found a park and jumped out of the car opening the door for her as she loosened the seat belt and jumped down.

You reached for her hand and she took it as you both walked into the store ordering what you both wanted. Once your order was ready you quickly ate yours and Maddie was halfway done with hers. She smiled up at you and filled her mouth with another spoonful "Thank you mommy" she said while you grabbed the napkin and wiped her cheek "You're welcome"

You pressed the 'home' button on your phone and it lit up showing the time 10:22pm. You didn't realize how late it was, it had only gotten dark an hour ago. You walked to the door as Madison followed, you unlocked the car helping her in making sure she was strapped in. After that you got into the car and headed home.


"Is daddy home yet?" Madison asked as she walked up to the front door behind you.

"Yeah he is" you said glancing over at the red Range Rover.

"Yay" she said as you unlocked the door to reveal Austin sitting on the couch watching TV.

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