Lights Out

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It was pouring down outside. It had been storming all day, you enjoyed it when it rained...just not being in it, and the thunder didn't bother you unless it was outrageously loud like it has been for the past 10 minutes. Austin had just got back from the concerts he did in South America so you decided to stay the night at his house.

"What do you wanna do?" Austin asked.

"I don't know, we've done everything possible" you said slouching down on the couch.

"I can agree with that" he said smiling as the thunder got even louder.

"Austinnnn..." you whined as the loud thunder filled your ears.

"Aww you're so cute when you're scared, c'mere baby" he said opening his arms.

You got up and walked over to the other couch and sat in his lap as he laid down on the couch.

"I just thought of something we could do" he said smirking.

"And what might that be?" you asked.

"We could sit here and-" he was cut off by the lights going out.

"I don't like this at all" you whined as everything apparently seemed to get worse.

"Babe it's okay, I'll be right back" he said lifting you off of him and going upstairs.

"But Austin where are you going?" you asked but he had already went upstairs.

It had been 5 minutes and he still hadn't come back yet and the thunder grew louder as the lighting struck across the open sky. You had decided to go and see what was taking him so long.

"Austin could you hurry up!?" you yelled from the bottom of the steps, but received no answer.

"Austin if this is a game, it isn't funny." you said slowly walking up the steps. You walked up each step slowly thinking he might jump out at you, but he didn't.

"Seriously babe come on" you said now reaching the top of the steps. You looked down the right side of the hallway then the left, but he didn't respond so you walked towards the bedroom and walked in.

Everything was in place as If he never even came in here, but if he didn't where did he go? you walked into the bathroom then into the closet and he wasn't in either of the two. You walked back out of the bedroom and down the hall checking every other room, yet still no Austin.

"Alright you know what, forget it" you said jogging back downstairs then plopping on the couch.

15 minutes had past and he hadn't come back yet. You grabbed your phone and texted him saying.

"I'm sad now, you left me :("

He immediately replied saying

"Then come find me ;)"

You then said.

"I already looked, I'm not going on an adventure looking for you again"

"Just get up and look, I'll give you a hint....I'm still in the house ;*" he responded back and that was the most undetailed hint ever. Of course I know you're in the house, you thought to yourself giggling as you went and looked through the rest of the house.

"Austin I literally don't know where you are, can't you just come out?" you yelled while walking into the basement still receiving no answer.

You looked around and behind things you got the flashlight and shined it everywhere yet he was nowhere to be found. You began to walk up the steps and you heard a noise as if a marble had bounced across the floor.

You walked back down and looked to see where it came from, there was nothing there. So you jogged quickly back up the steps and closed the door as you turned around you walked right into him.

"You found me" he said laughing and smiling.

"Yeah I did" you said in an annoyed tone.

"It took you long enough" he said trying to hug you, but you pushed him away.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked.

"You made me go and look for you through this whole house, I was already scared to death by the thunder every two seconds. Then you just dissappear" you said walking back into the living room as he followed.

"I thought it would past the time, I'm sorry" he said trying to sit next to you but you scooted away from him.

"Come on (Y/N) don't be like that" he said leaning over as you leaned away.

He kept leaning until you eventually laid down on the couch from trying to lean away from him. He hovered over you and you tried to move, but he held both of your hands together and put both of his legs on the outside of yours restricting you from moving as his other hand trailed to your cheek.

"I love you" he said smiling, but you didn't say anything back. He then furrowed his eyebrows as to why you didn't, but then instead of saying anything he pressed his lips against yours. At first you didn't kiss back you just sat there fidgeting and trying to get out of his grip.

"Austin....I...I" you mumbled against his lips only seconds later giving in and wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him back.

"Mmm...that's my girl" he said biting and tugging at your lip earning a moan from you. That one kiss had turned into a heated make out session. He ran his tongue over your bottom lip requesting entrance, as you slightly opened your mouth his tongue immediately made its way in finding yours, then fighting for dominance and of course he won. He pulled away to then trail kisses down your neck.

"Austin.....not now" you giggled.

"Why not?" he pouted.

"Because...." you said shrugging.

"You're gonna make me wait aren't you?" he said squinting his eyes.

"Yes, because you made me wait until you decided to appear up here when I was looking for you." you said crossing your arms.

"I can wait" he said smirking.

"Oh really?" you asked giving him a straight face.

"Yup" he said climbing off of you.

The rest of the night you and Austin cuddled as the both of you scrolled on your phones laughing at whatever was on your timelines, only to later fall asleep in each others arms a few hours later.

×Authors Note×

I said I'd update right? :)

But besides that I'm seriously running out of ideas, and I need help so could you help me? & I know this imagine wasn't all that good, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Oh and by the way Austin said he might do a Ustream tonight, so get ready and watch him when when and if he goes live :D

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