Spending Time With You

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You and Austin decided to be alone today. Just the two of you because he'd been really busy lately and he wanted to spend time with you. You had went out for a walk and did a few things with Austin and now you were back home.

"Can I have some?" you asked looking over to Austin eating ice cream.

"Mmhm, open" he demanded and you opened your mouth as he fed you a spoonful of ice cream. You giggled at how cute he was for doing that.

"Again?" he asked.

"Please" you said blushing a little. You opened and he fed you a few more spoonfuls, then feeding himself some until the ice cream was gone.

"You should do that more often, I liked that" you said smirking.

"Will do baby" he said getting up to wash the bowl.


"Austin, I'm bored" you said frowning.

"Well I'll tell you what....I'll give you 5 seconds to run" he said smiling.

"No, you're gonna chase me?" you asked nervously.

"Yes, yes I am and I suggest you run."

You then got up and ran up the steps and down the hallway to the bedroom. Not long after you could hear Austins footsteps as he walked up the steps and towards the door.

He immediately bursted through the door while you hid in the closet containing your heavy breathing from all the running.

"I said run, not hide baby" he said while walking around the room to find you.

He finally came over to the closet where you were. You froze completely, hoping he would go to another place in the room.

"And you should really.....really never hide in the closet" he said opening the door and pulling you into his arms.

"Found me" you said giggling.

"I always do" he said tilting your head up with his index finger then slowly leaning in as his lips pressed against yours. After the long passionate kiss you shared Austin swept you off your feet and laid you down on the bed.

"What's going to happen now?" you asked glancing down at him.

"We're going to cuddle and sleep, unless you had something else in mind" he winked making your heart flutter.

"I'm totally fine with that" you said giggling.

"I love your little giggles" he said kissing from your stomach all the way up to your lips.

"Well I love your smile" you said back blushing.

"You do now?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes" you said shyly.

He then turned on the TV and put on Family Guy. Austin wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your chest. You wrapped your arm around him and let your other free hand play in his hair only causing a low groan to escape in his throat.

After a few hours of cuddling and watching TV you both were on the verge of falling asleep.

"Baby I'm tired" Austin mumbled into your stomach.

"So am I" you said.

"Let's get some sleep then" he said leaning up to nuzzle his head into your neck while pulling you closer.

"Mmm, I love you Austin"

"I love you too Y/N" he said kissing your neck.

×Authors Note×

I was interrupted a few times while writing this imagine, so I hope it came out okay.

Was this okay? :/

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