Kind Gestures

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You and your sister Jess decided to go to the mall today to get some new clothes. Jess had her own ideas in mind, so she went off on her own as did you.

You walked into the store glancing around to see anything that interested you. Surprisingly there was a lot of things in the store that captured your attention. Grabbing certain things off the shelves and hangers, you had finally gotten all that you wanted from this store, not to mention both of your arms were racks for the clothes you picked out. The sooner you got to checkout the better your arms would feel, on your way to checkout Jess called you. You shuffled around in your purse for your phone while trying to hold up everything you had.

"Uhh hello?" you said.

"I'm going to the food court, meet me there in I don't know 15?" she said.

"Yeah if my arms and legs don't break like twigs first" you joked.

"I know I got a lot of stuff too, but hurry up" she said as you could hear the many voices in the background.

"I will" you said and then she hung up, you put the phone back into your purse, then turned around to proceed to checkout but only to walk right into someone.

"I'm sorry" you said.

"It's fine, no harm done" a boy a bit taller than you said.

"Right" you agreed giggling.

"You've got a lot there..." he said eyeing both of your arms and hands.

"Yeah I know, I wasn't expecting to have this much, but ehh you never know" you said staring into his twinkling hazel eyes.

"I know the feeling, but here let me help you" he said reaching out his arms.

"No its fine" you said smiling lightly.

"No really" he said as he smiled taking your mind completely off the clothes, just alone this boy is perfect, his smile, his eyes, just everything and none to mention he's really sweet from what you've seen so far.

"Thank you, I guess" you said handing him half of what you had.

Now the both of you were waiting in line, he stood beside you texting something quickly on his phone then glancing back up at you.

"This is kind of late, but I'm Austin" he said holding out his hand.

"Y/N" you said shaking his hand, once again he gave you a sincere smile and quickly typed on his phone again.

"So do you live around here?" he asked.

"Yes I do" you said walking forward up to the cash register setting everything down as the cashier began to ring everything up. Austin put the rest of the things up there as well.

While she rang everything it up, it gave you a moment to drink in all of his features. You still couldn't quite put it together as to why of all the people in this store, he could have bumped into anyone of them and offered to carry their stuff to the register, but instead it was you. Not long after he looked up meeting your gaze, as a heart warming smile formed on his face.

"That'll be $274.18 ma'am" the cashier said as your eyes slightly grew big, the price was already enough and then being called ma'am.

He looked over to you and then around the store as you pulled out your purse. Before you could do anything, Austin reached over and grabbed your hand to stop you, then putting his hand into his pocket and pulling out a metallic silver credit card handing it to the woman. She looked up at him with tinted cheeks then over at you smiling.

"Austin you don't have-" you said nervously.

"I want to do it" he said as the woman swiped it and handed it back to him, he then typed in his number as the receipt printed out, she handed it to you.

"Thank you" you said blushing.

"You're very welcome" he said walking out of the store with you.

"Well I have to go to the food court to meet my sister, so thank you again for the overly kind gesture back there" you said taking your bags from his hand, his skin lightly brushing up against yours sending shivers down your spine.

"I have one quick question" he blurted out.

"And what might that be?" you smiled readjusting all of the bags on your arms as you once again stared up to meet his gaze. Before he could answer someone called his name.

"Austin" another boy with dark hair jogged over to him.

"Alex" Austin said glancing over at him.

"Did you do it?" Alex asked.

"Yes I did it..." he said gesturing over to you.

"Did what?" you asked knowing it involved you since he gestured towards you.

"He was extremely-"

"I was extremely nothing, (Y/N) this is Alex my bestfriend who is now leaving" Austin pushed him off.

"No let him say it Austin" you giggled.

"Yeah let me say it Austin" Alex said dusting his shirt off "He was extremely nervous about talking to you and he kept texting me asking me what to do"

After hearing that from him you turned to Austin. "Is that true?" you asked.

He shyly nodded and looked over at Alex as he raised his hands in defense and walked away.

"That's sweet Austin, I don't get why you're nervous around me though" you said chuckling.

"Really? why?" he asked.

"Because I should be the one whose nervous, I don't see how I'd make you nervous" you said.

"You're nervous about me?" he asked.

"Yes" you said.

"Wow, but I was nervous about you because one you're gorgeous, two I didn't wanna mess up in the short amount of time I had and three I really wanted to talk to you" he said smirking.

"I think what you did was really sweet, I wish I could pay you back" you said smiling.

"I know a way you can" he said smiling.

"Enlightenment me then" you said.

He leaned over and kissed your cheek, then whispered "Can I take you out for dinner later?" he asked leaning back biting his bottom lip as his bright smile once again appeared on his face.

"I would love that" you said as your cheeks heated up.

"Good" he handed his phone out to you and you took it putting in your number then handing it back to him.

"I'll see you later Austin" you said leaning in for a hug in which he gladly returned.

You walked off towards the food court, looking back to see him talking to Alex again. You just smiled and continued walking thinking about all that just happened.

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