Mistakes: Part 2

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Last Night (Your POV)

All I could hear was Austin scream then sharp excruciating pain rushing through my entire body as it met the concrete.

(No Ones POV)

Austin wasn't that badly hurt he just got a few cuts and bruises, but on the other hand, I ended up going through the windshield...head first....and now I'm laying on the cement in front of the car....after that everything went black.

(Austins POV)

I woke up in the merest bit of pain....I looked around and noticed I was in a cream colored room with baige curtains...and as I sat up it all came back to me, we were in a car accident...I began to panic as it played over in my head. I rushed out of my room to the first doctor I saw. "Me and my wife were in an accident and we were brought here, WHERE IS SHE?" I said in a panic tone. "Sir please calm down, come this way she's right down the hall" & as I followed the doctor the last thing on my mind was to be calm about this.

A million things were running through my head....all this happened because of me. When I got to her room I flew the door open and my mouth dropped to the floor. My beautiful wife laying there with cuts and bruises surrounding her body practically lifeless. As I look at her tears fell from my eyes. I immediately pulled up a chair and sat next to her. "Baby girl I'm so sorry this happened to you, I'm sorry for everything I put you through, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have done any of it, if I didn't none of this would be happening, I love you so much" I said while rubbing and placing small kisses over her hand.

She shifted in her bed a few times, her eyes then began to flutter open.... "(Y/N)..." I said lowly with a smile, but she only looks at me confused. "Are you okay? are you in any pain?" I asked while wiping the tears off of my face "You're my doctor aren't you supposed to know all of that?" she said back to me. I looked at her and moved a little closer "(Y/N), really you know who I am...I know you do....right?" I asked as my voice cracked at the end. "Yeah, you're my doctor" she replied back. My whole body collapsed in a matter of seconds...she doesn't remember me.

"No (Y/N), I'm your husband" I said as calmly as possible while the tears streamed down my face...I immediately picked up her hand to show her the ring. Her eyes widened in confusion and she snatched her hand from mine "(Y/N) I....." I began to speak, but she cut me off "Please get out, I don't know you...." she said in a panic tone "But you do know me....I'm your husband" I said as I stepped closer. "NO YOU'RE NOT NOW WOULD YOU PLEASE GET OUT!!" she yelled and I quickly walked out of the room to the doctor.

"She doesn't remember me" I yelled but whispered at the same time "Mr. Mahone, she experienced some serious injuries. Most of them were resolved, but your wife has severe brain damage and can only remember up to a certain amount of things...she can't remember much of anything, it's up to her whether she remembers you or not." My whole world stopped as if somebody just tore me in half, I couldn't process anything. All I managed to do was walk over to the chair and cry, what if she never remembers me?

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz