Marriage: Part 1

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[Flashback] - (Austin's POV)

"You are my lover and my teacher. You are my model and my accomplice and my true other half. I will love you, hold you and honor you, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine, more loved than I ever thought possible. I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you, in health and in sickness, through sorrow and success everyday of my life" she said.

“I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together.

With my whole heart, I take you as my wife, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine. I promise to be faithful, supportive, and to always make our love and happiness my priority. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. You are my love, my world, and my life, forever and always.” I said then turning to the minister as he smiled.

Do you Austin Carter Mahone take (Y/F/N) to be your wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony, will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, for better or for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?

"I do" I said as my cheeks heated up looking down at her.

Do you (Y/F/N) take Austin Carter Mahone to be your husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony, will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poor, for better or for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?

"I do" she said as I wiped the remaining tear on her cheek before placing the ring on her finger, then her doing the same placing the ring on my finger.

"May these ring's be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go may they always return to one another. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women year." he then looked to both of us "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss your bride"

I smiled before I leaned in pressing my lips to hers as everyone around us stood, cheered, and applaud us.

"I give you Mr. and Mrs. Mahone" the minister said gesturing forward to us as we walked off of and down the aisle then through the doors.

[End Of Flashback] - 1 year later

"Austin what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm watching Robert and Alex play basketball" I said smirking looking out the kitchen window.

"Oh" she said.

"But how is my beautiful wife?" I asked.

"I'm ecstatic as usual" she said smiling.

"I'm certainly glad to hear that, and how about my little baby?" I asked rubbing my hand over her belly.

"She's very feisty and vibrant today" she said smirking.

"I called the doctor this morning, he said it's only a few more days until we can finally meet our feisty and vibrant daughter" I said leaning down and placing a kiss on the top of her belly.

"He also said your contractions might get worse" I said tilting her chin with my index finger.

"More pain, great" she said sarcastically.

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