His Baby Doesn't Remember Him

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You had gotten up early today because Austin was coming home from his tour. You had to get Mia up and get ready so you could go to the airport. You got dressed and dressed Mia, you went out to the car and put her in the car seat then you drove to the airport.

Once you got to the airport you saw many fans waiting and a few paparazzi laying around too. You stood at the gate as many of his fans asked to see or hold the baby, you showed her to them and that's about it. You heard the girls scream as you saw Austin come off of his flight as you looked up to see his bright smile as he walked over to you.

"Hey baby" he said coming over and hugging you before looking down at the little creature in your arms.

"Hey Mia" he said smiling "Can I hold her?" he asked and you nodded and smiled. He sat his bags down and gently took her from your arms. Mia just looked at him and then she started whimpering.

"It's daddy Mia" he said to calm her, but she just started squirming and crying reaching her tiny hands out to you.

Austin handed her back to you and grabbed his stuff then walked out to the car without saying one word. You walked behind him and out to the car and put Mia in her car seat. Then you got in the passenger seat since Austin wanted to drive.

"Austin it's okay..." you said touching his hand.

"No it isn't, my daughter doesn't remember me" he said as tears formed in his eyes.

"She does remember you, it's just she hasn't seen you in a while" you said glancing back at Mia sucking on her fingers.

"I'm never here, that's why she doesn't remember me. I'm a terrible dad" he said now turning into the street.

"No you're not, you provide us both with all of this. She knows you, I know she does" you said as he pulled into the driveway.

You went upstairs and put Mia in her crib to play. You then walked into the bedroom to see Austin putting his things away sniffling and constantly wiping his stained cheeks. He had only seen Mia a few times, when he was there for the birth and then the few times he's been off. He's been here as much as he could and I know she remembers him.

"You okay?" you asked walking over and hugging him from behind.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" he said putting the last few things away.

"If you're okay why do you look sad and more importantly why are you sniffling then?" you asked rubbing circles over his abs.

"B-Because she doesn't remember me, she didn't even want me to hold her at the airport." he said turning around to face you.

"She hasn't seen you in a while so of course she'd do that, but I'm sure she knows who her daddy is..." you said poking his chest as a tiny smile formed on his face.

"I hope so" he said leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. You kissed back as your hands went up and wrapped around his neck and his came down around your waist. Austin walked over and laid you down on the bed as he hovered over you, he started to trail kisses down your neck until you could hear cries from the baby's room. You got up and Austin stopped you.

"Can I do it?" he asked and you gestured him to go ahead.

He went out and into her room and she cried for a little while then she suddenly stopped. You walked down the hall and peeped into the room to see Austin rocking Mia back and forth. She was asleep in his arms. He looked up to you and smiled as you walked over to him.

"She did remember me, she called me daddy" he whispered.

"I told you she knows" you whispered back and he gently laid her down in the crib. Then you both walked out and quietly closed the door.

"I love you (Y/N)" Austin said pulling you into his chest.

"I love you too Mahone" you said wrapping your arms around him, he then picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the bedroom only for the both of you to fall asleep minutes later.

×Authors Note×

This was a quick one to write, since I had majority of the imagine already planned out in my head.

Was this a good imagine? what did you think? let me know in da comments :)

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