Fight Night: Part 2 (Final Part)

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(Alex's POV)

I sent that text 15 minutes ago, she still hasn't replied. She usually replies within a minute or two. Austin is pacing back and forth then going in circles.

"Dude calm down" Robert spoke up directing it to Austin

"I'M NOT GONNA CALM DOWN, WHAT IF SHE'S HURT????" Austin yelled putting his hands over his face.

"She's not hurt, just give her some time." Robert said standing up in front of him.

"How do you know that?!!" Austin yelled

"I don't know, but you gotta think positive dude damn" Robert said

"I just don't want her to be-" Austin was cut off by the notification sound on my phone. I immediately looked up to see her text.

'I'm fine Alex'

"Was that her?!! what did she say!!!? tell me!" Austin yelled getting closer.

"She just said that she's fine" I responded quickly before his anxiousness explodes through the roof.

"Ask her where she is!" Austin said relieved a little but still anxious.

"I already did in the last message that's what she responded with. I don't think she wants to tell me" I said.

"Ask her again, and do it quick so she can respond quicker" Austin said and I immediately texted her back.

'Well that's good, but where are you?'

I pressed send as Austin anxiously watched me. Then my notification sound went off again.

'I know that it's good Alex'

I showed the message to Austin & he groaned "Don't say anything else just specifically ask her where she is, because she's beating around the question." Austin said.

'(Y/N) where are you?'

'If I tell you, you'll tell Austin....I know you're there with him.' She immediately replied. I showed Austin the text and he frowned.

"Tell her I'm not, just find out where my girl is" He said sadly as Robert aww'd at his sudden choice of words, I texted her back saying...

'I won't tell him, just tell me where you are....please'

'I'm at your house on your balcony :)' she responded and I immediately bursted into laughter.

"Austin, I don't think you need to worry" I said laughing.

"Why?" he asked curiously

"She's at my house on my balcony" I said and Austin jumped up and grabbed his keys.

"Austin no you can't go, I told her I wouldn't tell you" I quickly said.

"I'm not the slightest bit concerned with that AC, I'm going to get her" Austin said walking out the door before I could say another word.

(Austins POV)

I pulled up in AC's driveway and went through the window by his front door that he apparently always keeps open. I walked up stairs and in AC's room, I could see her laying in his lounge chair scrolling on her phone. I walked up and opened the door causing her to look up at me.

"Ughh, oh my god...this is why I don't tell people anything." you said while getting up and pushing past him, but he caught your arm before you could get too far.

"(Y/N) hear me out" he said while you tried to pry your arm out of his hand.

"No, I heard you enough last night" you yelled.

"Baby, I didn't meant any of it...I was really stressed out I was tired and I completely didn't know what I was saying. I'm sorry I yelled at you I didn't mean to, I love you" I said holding her closer.

"No you don't, let me go Austin" she said still prying at my hands.

"Please.....forgive me" I said hoping she would, but she didn't respond.

"Austin let me g-" he cut you off by pressing his lips against yours. He immediately pulled you closer to him, you put your hands on his chest trying to push him away, but he only pulled you closer deepening the kiss, after a few seconds you couldn't take it anymore you caved in and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer as you ran your hands through his hair.

"I'm so sorry" I pulled away to say then re-attached my lips to hers.

"I know you are.....don't ever do that again" you said in between kisses.

"I promise I won't, I love you too much. I went crazy last night without you" I said trailing kisses down her jawline.

"How crazy?" you whispered into his ear then nibbling on his earlobe.

"I broke just about every glass object in our living room, that's how's crazy" he said moving to your neck.

"Austin.....why did you break all of that, that's a lot of stuff?" you asked as he sucked on your sweet spot causing you to moan.

"I was mad for yelling at you like that, then saying all of those things, and it's all replaceable babe" I said pulling away and staring into her eyes.

"Promise me that'll never happen again and that if it does we'll talk it out and get through it together?" you said.

"I promise....I promise it won't happen again, I love you" I said pecking her lips.

"I love you too Mahone" you said pushing him off of you "I don't think Alex would appreciate you doing all of this in his room" you giggle.

"Well nothings gonna happen now you just changed the mood" I said smiling.

"True" you said and walked towards the door.

"I can't believe you walked here" I said.

"It took a while, my feet were killing me" you said walking down the stairs to go out the front door.

"I'm sorry" I said

"Its fine Austin, now come on let's go" you said

You got back to the house and Alex & Robert looked up at you smiling

"You guys took forever" Alex said.

"You don't necessarily live around the corner AC" I said

"Still shouldn't have taken you that long" Alex said giggling.

"So you guys are good?" Robert asked

"Watch your step babe" I said as she walked over to the couch.

"Yeah...we're good" you said plopping on the couch to notice the glass everywhere. Robert & Alex were happy that you two were back together and also were amused by your face when you saw all the broken glass.

×Authors Note×

This was really long, I hope you enjoyed it :)

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu