You Meet His Mom

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"(Y/N) I've been meaning to ask you...." Austin said nervously.

"You were meaning to ask me what?" you asked.

"If you wanna meet my mom, later tonight?" he asked running a hand through his hair looking up at you.

"Yeah I'd love to meet your mom" you said back cheerfully.

"Really? well great I'll let her know" Austin said pulling out his phone, he dialed her number and it rang then he put it on speaker.

A- Hey Mom!

M- Hey Austin!

A- You know how I said I was coming over tonight?

M- Yeah, did something come up?

A- No I just wanted to ask if I could bring someone.....someone I want you to meet. *he said looking at you*

M- Yeah hun, that's it a girl?

A- Yes mom, it's a girl.

M- Well see you when you get here.

A- Alright bye mom, love you

M- Bye Austin, I love you too.

"Well now I'm officially nervous" you said.

"She's gonna love you baby, don't be nervous" Austin said grabbing your hand and kissing it.

"I hope so, I'm gonna go get ready" you said.



"I'm ready" you said going down the steps.

"Okay let's go babe" he said as he put his arm around your waist.

You both got in his car and drove to his mom's house. Even though Austin told you not to be nervous you still were, like what if she didn't like you? what if she didn't approve of you two? all of these thoughts were interrupted as Austin opened your door in front of his mom's house, then helping you out. All you thought was wow that was a quick ride, the closer you got to the door a lump formed in your throat.

Austin walked up and knocked on the door, then stood back intwining your fingers with his. His mom then opened the door smiling and pulling him in for a hug.

"Hi sweetheart" she said hugging Austin.

"Hey mom" Austin said pulling away "This is (Y/N)."

"Its great to finally meet you Ms. Mahone" you said nervously as you held out your hand, but she pulled you in for a hug in which you gave one back glancing over at Austin to see he had a smile on his face.

"Call me Michele sweetie, now both of you come on in" his mom said.

You walked in and Austin led you over to the couch.

"I just finished up dinner, it's ready for you guys so let's eat" Michele said.

-At The Table-

"So sweetheart, I'm glad you finally decided to pay your mama a visit" Michele said looking over to Austin.

"Yeah sorry about that mom, I've been wanting to, but I've been really busy...." Austin said.

"It's fine hun" Michele said back.

"So me and (Y/N) are kind of dating" Austin said looking down and poking at his food.

"I figured, you two having been smiling at each other the whole time you've been here I assumed something was going on" Michele said smiling.

"So you don't have a problem with it?" Austin said with a hopeful smile.

"No Austin she's beautiful and she seems like a good girl for you, concluding you never stop talking about her everytime you get me on the phone" Michele said smiling then giggling at the end.

"Thank you, and he actually talks about me that much?" you asked shocked.

"Yes sweetheart he does, literally every phone call he mentions you at least once if not more" she said smiling over at you. You looked over to see Austin blushing and looking at his food.

"Awww...Austin" you said nudging him a bit making him burst into laughter.

After dinner Austin said he'd clean up, so you and his mom could get to know each other more.

"Mom, I finished all of the dishes" Austin said walking into the living room to see Michele showing you his baby pictures.

"Oh god no" he said rushing over.

"You're so cute Austin" you said.

"Of course I was....." he said grabbing your hand looking through a few more pictures laughing and smiling.

"Well it's getting late so you two need to get home." Michele said.

"Alright mom, I'll call you tomorrow" Austin said intwining his fingers with yours.

"It was nice meeting you Michele" you said smiling.

"It was nice to meet you too honey, come and visit anytime" She said smiling.

In the car you and Austin had completely kept an awkward silence until he decided to break it.

"I think she really likes you" Austin said smiling over at you.

"I know, I'm glad" you said smiling while playing with your fingers.

"I told you she would" Austin said.

"I know" you said back as you leaned over and kissed his cheek making him smile.

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