Horizons: Part 3

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(Austin's POV)

Finally after all this time, she answers her phone. I feel relieved but still worried as to why it's taken her this long.

"Baby where the hell are you?" I said loudly as Robert leaned closer.

I put the phone call on speaker so he could hear it as well. She didn't say anything, all I could hear was her sniffling and sobbing into the phone.

"Baby girl what's wrong?" I asked

"I-I don't know, I don't k-know where I am, somebody kidnapped me Austin" she choked out as Robert gaped at the phone.

"Can you move?" I asked.

"No, I'm chained to a wall" she said and I could feel the tears brimming my eyes. The phone reception was terrible, there was static and I could barely hear her.

"What h-happened?" I croaked.

"I don't know, after I called y-you somebody started following me and once I got close to the house, I-I looked back and it was s-somebody dressed in all black. So I started to run and by the time I got to the front lawn they picked me up and c-covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. They dragged me off into a car or something and that's all I r-remember" she said sniffling.

"Shit, are there any windows, can you see anything?" I asked.

"No, there are no windows...it's just a brick room and it's cold" she started to cry again "Austin, I'm scared"

"Don't be scared" I said.

"They said they want me, because of you. What did you do Austin?"

"What? tell me who 'they' are" I blurted out.

"I don't know it's a really big guy with black hair and he said it was a long story" I said quickly.

"I think I know who you're talking about" I said lowly.

"Then what the hell did you do?" I partially yelled.

"I didn't do anything, he's just a sick dude. He used to be apart of my security team for when I had concerts until he got overly obsessed with me and everything I did. He lashed out on me the day we told him he had to leave and-and..baby he's just sick, okay?"

"Austin, just please help me" she mumbled into the phone.

"I know baby, I'm gonna come and get you okay?" I said.


"I don't know how, but I will find you"

"Promise?" she said as I could hear the sounds of the moving chains in the back.

The phone began to cut out, the signal was getting weaker by the second. Wherever she was, there was terrible reception. I just can't believe of all people him, he did this and not to me but her. She doesn't have anything to do with that.

"I promise" I said.

"Okay" she said before a loud noise echoed in the background. All I could hear was yelling and then screaming. I looked over to Robert, and he looked the exact same way I did. Not long after the line went dead.

"How are you gonna find her? she could be anywhere" Robert said.

"I don't know, but I'll figure something out" I said.

"Track her phone call, if it's longer than a minute you should be able to find her" Robert said.

"Good idea, but I can't believe it, this dude just won't quit" I said walking over to my computer.

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt