Unexpected: Part 3

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Alex came to the door wearing a dinosaur onesie with a slice of pizza hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey" he said smiling.

"Hey" I said giggling at his appearance it was funny, but totally Alex and he then gestured me in. He walked me up to the room I usually stay in when I was occasionally over here and let me set my stuff down, then I came back downstairs.

"So what happened exactly?" he asked and I explained.

"He called me at 2 in the morning after messaging me 3 times apparently, and I was too tired to answer those. I struggled and answered the phone call and he practically cussed me out because it was cold outside and what not" I said as Alex interjected.

"He should've had his key like any other time" Alex said.

"Right, and then I opened the door and he said 'took your ass long enough' and I asked him what was wrong and we went through the whole -I'm-not-drunk-yes-you-are- thing. Then he got extremely mad, when he tried to kiss me and I pushed him off because I was too tired to do that and that's when he slapped me, then he said he didn't care whether I was tired or not and that I should've opened the door. I said that I was asleep and I called him a dickwad.

"Well played, he does tend to act like one sometimes...not on purpose though" Alex said chuckling.

"I know right, and then I said 'what are you gonna do then force me' and that seemed to set off some rage because he squinted his eyes and slapped me again telling me to never talk to him like that again....then I tried to run off but he slammed me into a wall and practically held me unt-"

"Whoa....w-wait what? he slapped you twice and slammed you into a wall!?" Alex asked leaning forward and turning to you.

"Yes and after that I went upstairs, packed, texted you and came here" you said sadly.

"If he did all of this, where are the marks...not saying I don't believe you but I'm curious" he said eyeing you from head to toe.

You had covered it with makeup so just in case someone saw, it wouldn't be a big fuss about it. You took the napkin on the table and the bottle of water and wiped off the makeup, then turned to Alex "Damn.....He definitely over did it"

You then asked "How many did he drink?" and Alex looked surprised.

"He usually drinks 3 at the most, but tonight he drank like 7 or 8...and we told him to cool it down, but he just wouldn't" you nodded and you told Alex you were just gonna go to LA and stay there, since you already had a job offer there. Alex agreed he'd go with you there when you went so you wouldn't be alone.

At first you weren't gonna accept it because of Austin and how that would tear you both apart but there's no point anymore after what happened tonight.

Alex then snapped you out of your thoughts and asked "So what are you guys now?" he asked nervously.

"I dunno" and he said "Well you're not wearing your ring, so I thought I'd ask"

"I left it on the bed in his house" you murmured

"He'll come around, this is the most he's drank.....ever. I don't think he realized what he was doing to you. He really loves you (Y/N), he's told me, Robert, and Zach before that he's really liked or loved different girls or how he's thought about marriage, but none of them compare to you. He's different in a good way, and I can tell. You make him overly happy, the happiest he's been in a while. He needs you and I know you need him, but what happened was a little overboard" he said and you nodded.

*One Week Later* (Your POV)

I had my plane ticket and was getting all my stuff, Alex had his stuff packed and we were waiting in front of the terminal for them to call the plane.

We'd gotten here a little early and I hadn't talk to Austin, he texted me saying he was sorry for what he did, but I didn't respond.

Alex said he talked to him and that's all I wanted to know I didn't want to know anymore or what they talked about. Snapping me out of my thoughts the woman said through the mic "Next flight to LA now boarding" and I walked up as a whole line was already there.

After the 15 or so people in front of me went, I was right by the lady and she kindly asked for my ticket with a smile and I looked back, Alex was giggling looking at his phone and she nodded handing me my ticket as the security directed me to the door only to hear someone yell "Wait!" and the thoughts running through my mind of who that word came from.

I stepped back from the terminal gate and Alex looked at me with an unsure look as Austin ran up to me catching his breath and I looked at him wondering why after a whole week he's here.

After him finally catching whatever breath he had left "Please don't leave" he said and Alex now had his ticket and was standing behind us "I'm sorry Austin" I turned around to walk to through the door, but he grabbed my wrist lightly turning me back around.

"Please just give me another chance. I didn't mean it, you know I didn't....I'm so sorry I hurt you, please don't leave me, I don't want you to go" he said as his face flushed with sadness.

The woman spoke up "Ma'am you need to board your flight" and I nodded, then I looked him in his eyes for a second searching for something.

I didn't know what, but I was looking and it took all the courage I had as I leaned up and kissed his cheek then I looked him in the eyes and walked through the door.

"Please don't..." he said and I turned around and looked back at him and he mouthed a 'please' to me.

"Goodbye Austin" I said turning around and walking directly onto the plane.

Austin then turned to Alex "Dude...please" he said and Alex put his hands up in surrender "I can't make her stay, you did it so you have to fix it"

"How do I fix it....?" he asked unsure of what to do.

"If you love her, you'll figure out how to fix it. I can't tell you how." Alex said

He then walked through the door and Austin put his hands over his head and sighed.

We got onto the flight as Alex was across from me "All ready for takeoff" the pilot spoke and halfway through the flight he spoke again "We're experiencing some turbulents please secure yourselves" I already had the seat belt on since the beginning of the flight so I had nothing to worry about.

I was a little nervous, because usually I had Austin if something like this happened on the plane, but I don't have him this time...

×Authors Note×

The Actual Austin Mahone Would Not Do Any Of The Things Printed In This Or The Previous Part.

How was your day?

I wonder if I'd actually get comments for my question above....

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя