Horizons: Part 5 (Final Part)

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Once you got home Austin carried you to the bedroom and rested you on the bed.

"Thanks" you said.

"No problem babe, you want anything?" he asked.

"Yeah, you" you smirked as a boyish grin appeared on his face.

"Well you already have me" he said plopping on the bed next to you.

"Good, and what are we gonna do now?" you asked.

"I don't know, what do you feel like doing?" he asked.

"Not too much, but something" you said flinching will easing up on the bed.

"Alright, well you wanna tell me what happened?" he blurted out.

"Austin, I really don't wanna talk about it" you said looking down at our hands knotted together.

"That's fine baby, you wanna watch some TV then?" he said.

You smiled and nodded vigorously, he chuckled and stood up walking over to the TV grabbing the remote off of the stand.

"Alright let's watch a movie" he said randomly choosing one off of Netflix.

He walked back over and slid into bed next to you wrapping his arms around you. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder as you both watched the movie.



"Yeah babe" he said looking down at you.

"What did Bret do?" you asked nervously.

He took a sharp intake of air and sighed loudly, pulling you closer and kissing your forehead.

"He did a lot of stuff baby, mostly sabotaging majority of my events after we cut him off, he stopped for a long while but now I guess he's at it once again" Austin breathed out.

"The police got him right?" you asked.

"Yeah they did"

"Alright, well can we do something else now? since the movies over" you asked.

"Like what?" he asked.

"I don't know, something" you said smirking.

"I have an idea" he said tilting your chin with his index finger, your lips brushing against his. You pressed your lips against his, his lips captured between yours and yours in his.

"Yeah, so umm you wanna walk on the beach?" he asked giggling slightly after pulling away.

"Sure" you said leaping out of bed only to regret it once you felt a little bit of pain. Austin chuckled and helped you down the stairs and out of the door.

After leaving the house you both walked hand in hand until you got to the beach. the sun was blazing today, it wasn't too bad though. The sun set up high over the horizon, the waves crashing onto the shore.

"Austin, do you really wanna know what happened?" you asked.

"Only if you want to tell me" he said kissing the back of your hand.

You had to contemplate whether you were ready to go through that whole scene in your head again. You wanted to tell Austin, because he should know and also because he wants to know. You decided to tell him, he listened as you slowly walked down the beach on the golden sand hand in hand. Finishing the whole story he pulled you into his arms.

"I'm so sorry that had to happen to you" he mumbled into your hair.

"It's fine Austin, I'm just glad I'm here with you now" you said smiling.

"Ditto" he said before his warm lips met yours.

The long passionate kiss ended when Austin lifted you up, and started running for the water.

"Austin don't!" you screeched.

"Too late" he said falling into the water with you.

"Now I'm all wet" you said.

"I like you wet" he winked.

"You do now?" you asked raising an eyebrow.

He nodded biting his lip, and then he pulled your lips back to his once again.

"Austin.. " you said blushing.


"You always do that" you said.

"And I always will" he said caressing your cheek with his right hand.

"Austin!" somebody yelled from the shore.

We both narrowed our eyes due to the sunlight, as we searched around. Then once again somebody yelled out, we loojed around on shore and we then saw that it was Alex.

"AC!" Austin yelled standing up out of the water, then pulling you up and throwing you over his shoulder.

"Austin!" you giggled.

He walked over to Alex on shore with you dangling over his shoulder.

"Hey Austin" Alex said and Austin did the bro-handshake with him.

"What's up AC" Austin said.

"Hi (Y/N)" Alex shrugged and waved.

"Hey" you said giving him a upside down wave as a smile appeared on his face.

"So you guys decided to go to the beach and not invite me" Alex said.

"Yeah" Austin said smirking.

"I see how it is bro" Alex laughed.

"Yeah, well let's go and have some fun for a little while" Austin said spinning you around on his shoulder.

"N-No, Austin...ugh" you giggled holding onto him tighter.

"Alright let's go" Alex yelled running off into the water.

You and Austin had a relaxing but also interesting day at the pool with Alex. You all felt happy and relieved that the whole mess of an incident was over and you can continue doing whatever you wanted to do.

×Authors Note×

So what did you think of this part imagine? 

I think my final part could've been better, but I was and am still currently running on little ideas for imagines.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, comment them below :)

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