You Find Out: Part 1

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This time you woke up and it felt weird because Austin was apparently on tour and it was month 3 out of 4. The first week you cried a lot because everyday you were with him, it could've been all day or just in the morning or for a hour or maybe at night *sneaking out of course* since you're 18 and it was the last half of your senior year since your birthday is in (Y/B/M).

*Flash Back*

Austin left the night of your birthday like around 9 at night. You went with him to the airport and you sat for 10 minutes give or take a few. You got there a little early, but it only felt like a minute.

Him and his boys had their stuff together and they called the plane and you sobbed as he just kept trying to calm you down, but that wasn't working. Every two seconds you could hear people screaming from a far or asking could they get a picture, but 3 of his bodyguards were there guarding him and telling them he couldn't take pictures or talk right now.

He was now about to leave and one girl spoke "Can't we just get a quick one right now?" she said holding up her phone and his bodyguard Joe said "No, sorry he's having a private moment right now" he said and she looked at you and rolled her eyes....

*Flash Back Over (Present Day) *

You woke up all weird and kind of sad because of course since you still live with your sister, in which she puts you through hell majority of the time and is still doing so.

Austin would call you whenever he could which is usually once or twice a day sometimes it's late, but you didn't care as long as you got to hear his voice you were satisfied.

You then got up and took a shower and went downstairs, he called you and you rushed over to the phone on the counter.

"Hello..." you said

"Hey baby" he said in his half sleep voice (which is deep, but like the cutest thing ever)

"Did you just wake up?" you asked.

"Yeah babe, not too long ago actually" he said while giggling.

"Why did you call me if you recently got up not too long ago?" you said.

He spoke "Because, I didn't wake up next to you...and I missed you, damn can't a guy miss his girl?"

You were walking around the kitchen getting stuff when he said that and immediately started blushing at his sudden choice of words.

"So I'm your girl then?"

He laughed "No your my pet fish.....yes you're my girl you should know that"

You smiled like an idiot.

"I'm just making sure and wow pet fish?" you asked and he said "Yeah I felt like being sarcastic" he chuckled. You then said "I see ya did" he snorted "What are you doing up this early?"

"I don't know... I didn't have anything to do" you said

"Yeah same" he quickly responded

Then you hear this mumbling sound in that background, but you brushed it off. Then you hear all this movement, but you brushed that off too.

"Well just to say I'm going to the studio for like 2 hours today then I have to go to my meet and greet. Then I have to stretch and get ready for the concert like get dressed, get my mic and stuff put on, my earpiece etc." he said then once again you hear that mumbling again and this time he's mumbling something back.

"Babe?" you ask and he quickly responds


"What was that?" you ask

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