At The Mall

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You and Austin were in the mall. You both had already bought a lot of things and had your hands filled with bags, Austin as sweet as he is carried majority of your bags leaving you with 4 to carry. You were walking past the stores in the mall as you were interrupted.

"Oh my god, it's Austin!!" you heard a few girls scream.

Austin turned around and so did you to be faced with about 8 or 9 girls.

"Hey girls" Austin said smiling.

"Hi Austin!" they practically screamed.

"Can I get an autograph?" a girl said holding out her phone, he took it and signed her phone case then handed it back.

"Can we get some pictures" they asked as Austin nodded smiling handing you the bags and walking over real quick.

After they took pictures, they asked him a few questions and he gladly answered. More girls eventually came up and he was in a full conversation. You didn't mind it, he loved his fans so you know spending this time with them right now made him happy. You just stood there and scrolled on my phone on twitter. Until a message popped up at the top of my phone, it was from Robert.

'Are you and Austin gonna be back soon, we're getting bored :/'

You giggled and responded

'Yeah he's with a few of his fans right now, we should be home soon :)'

You then looked up to see Austin still talking to the girls and a few minutes past, then 10 minutes and it went on and on. You grew a little impatient from just standing there so you walked over.

"Austin can we go now, the boys are waiting for us so can we finish up our shopping?" you asked politely holding onto his arm.

"Yeah, we can go in a minute baby" he said pecking your lips once.

"Aww....that's so cute" one of the girls said.

"I wish I was her" another girl said.

Austin smiled at their comments on him kissing you. He signed a girls shirt and then he hugged and took a few more pictures.

"Alright well I gotta go, my girl wants to finish up our shopping and I have to get back to my house" he smiled.

"Awww.....bye Austin" they said in unison.

"Bye girls" he said waving and walking back over to you.

"You didn't have to leave so soon Austin" you said smiling down at him as he picked up a few of the bags.

"I want to spend time with the girl I love though" he said smiling up at you.

"How am I so lucky to have you?" you asked grinning.

"I don't know, but I'm more than lucky to have you" he said closing more of the space between you.

"I love you" you said blushing.

"And I love you (Y/N)" he said with a cheeky smile, then pressing his lips against yours as you shared a short but passionate kiss.

You continued to shop for a little while longer and you got all of what you needed. You went back home and you, Austin, and his boys had a fun chill day.

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