You're Gonna Be Fine

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Austin had just finished his last show of the tour. We were heading out of the building hand in hand as security tamed the crowd out front. They finally gave us the okay to go out and as we did all you could hear was.

'Why is he with her?'

'She's such a slut'

'She only wants him for his money'

'She's so ugly'

You just ducked your head down trying to ignore the comments some of the fans made. You continued to walk down the pathway as you both past fans more appeared.

"Baby don't listen to them" Austin said kissing your forehead while gripping your hand to reassure you. You were halfway to the car and the security stopped the both of you and you glanced up at Austin. He looked down at you with an unsure look.

A whole herd of fans pushed past security, and Austin pulled you close to him. One girl had came out of nowhere and was right next to you as you noticed she had a knife.

Austin immediately turned you away from her, you felt him tense up as he just froze in place. You didn't know what was happening so you looked up at him and he glanced down at you.

Before you could say anything he just collapsed as everyone started to scream, you held him up with the best of your ability as tears streamed down your face.

One of the security guards talked into their sleeves to get help apparently. You kneeled down as Austin laid in your lap.

"Austin i-it's gonna be o-okay alright?" you said trying to reassure him even though you couldn't process anything right now. He just nodded, and placed his hand over the wound. You then put your hand over his to apply more pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Austin I'm so sorry" you said as you wiped your tears only to have more pour out.

"For w-what?" he said panting and flinching from the pain.

"For this....." you said looking towards his wound.

He just shook his head 'no' as a tear came down from his eye. You wiped it, then you looked down to see blood coming out from your hand and his.

As soon as you looked back up paramedics were hovering over you then pulling you away. They pulled up his shirt and began doing things to him, You guess to stop the bleeding and to stop the pain.

Another paramedic stood beside you, making sure you were okay. You weren't even the slightest bit interested, you just wanted to know if he was going to be okay.

"His breathing is slowing down sir" one of the paramedics said to another. They immediately started doing other things to him and you cried even harder.

"Okay, he's stable let's get him up" they said lifting him up and into the ambulance.

"Ma'am, you can join him if you'd like" the woman said and you ran over and got in. She then closed the doors and walked to the front of the ambulance.

As soon as you got in he looked over at you and you smiled to the best of your ability. He smirked a little considering he couldn't do much.

You reached down and grabbed his hand intwining your fingers, his eyes followed down to what you were doing and he looked back up at you and weakly smiled.

Once you got to the hospital they had you wait in the waiting room as the doctors carried him through the doubled doors at the end of the hall.

"(Y/N).." Robert said running over to you.

"Is he okay?" he then asked.

"I don't know, they took him back there and I haven't heard anything" you said back as tears strolled down your face.

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang