You're Mine: Part 1

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"Austin, we can't do this anymore" you said trying to fight back the tears.

"Wait no, yes we can" he said holding your hands tighter.

"We both know this isn't gonna work out" you said slightly pulling your hands away.

"Baby, p-please don't do this"

"I'm sorry Austin" you said walking off.

"Don't do this to me....please" he said as now his voice was barely audible.

(Austins POV)

What the hell just happened...? I lost her, I lost the girl I love, all over this and I just don't understand why this had to happen to us. She was perfect and she was mine, I finally found that girl and look what happens.

"You okay Austin?" Robert asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"No, no I'm not" I said.

"It'll be okay bro" he said patting my back.

"No, it won' don't understand. She means everything to me"

"Then prove that to her, if she means that much then show her" he said looking out as the waves rolled in.

"She's leaving tonight Robert, if she gets on that plane then we're done" I said.

"Then go and stop her before she gets on" he said.

"We won't make it" I said.

"Yeah, because you've been standing here all this time trying to process what she just said, when you should've went after her" he said.

"I know, it just came out of nowhere" I said blinking rapidly.

"I know, but we've got about 15 until that plane leaves" he said waving Alex over from the side of the beach.

"Austin we'll get there, okay?" Robert said.

"I hope so" I said.

"Let's go" Robert said

Alex quickly ran up and we headed off for the car. Driving as quickly as we could to get to the airport.

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