Lost Bracelet

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You were at Austin's concert, he had finally came to your town and you were overly excited. It was the part of the concert where he brings that special girl on stage. You wanted them to pick you, but to no surprise they didn't. They picked a blonde a little closer to the stage.

After the song ended and they escorted the girl off, Austin came back out singing 'What About Love' and as he was dancing and singing you felt something hit your right side.

You bent down to get it while everyone else was still hyped up, jumping, and screaming. You picked it up scanning over it and it was Austin's bracelet. You immediately looked up on stage and noticed that the familiar object in your hands definitely wasn't on his wrist. You were puzzled, what should I do with it? I mean I'm definitely giving it back considering it means a lot to him, but how?


After the show as everyone cleared out you stood there waiting to see him so you could give it to him. He came out with Robert eyeing the floor, and Austin had red eyes. He was really upset about losing it.

"Robert where is it!?" he yelled looking across the open floor area.

"I don't know, what song were you doing the last time you had it on?" he asked.

"I had it on before I went out to sing What About Love" he said moving and picking up things to look under them.

"Well maybe it's backstage then" Robert added.

"Yeah maybe" he said.

You walked over to him "Austin...I-"

"I can't talk or take any photos right now, I'm sorry" he said cutting you off and walking towards the backstage doors.

"No, I didn't come over here for that. I wanted to return this to you" you said quickly stopping him dead in his tracks.

"Return what?" he said peering around to you as well as Robert.

"Your bracelet, it flew off and it hit my side. I wanted to give it back to you" you said smiling while extending your hand with the bracelet.

He immediately came over and hugged you tightly.

"Thank you so much" he said still holding you.

"You're Very Welcome Austin" you said smiling while also being taken by surprise that he was this close to you.

"Do you want a picture or something?" he asked relieved smiling from ear to ear.

"No that's fine your amazing performance up there was good enough for me, and you're busy so I just wanted to return this knowing how much it means to you" you said grinning while knotting your fingers together.

"Thanks that's sweet, and well I really appreciate it....what's your name?" he said beaming.

"I'm a sweet person and (Y/N)..." you said shyly.

"You definitely are and that's a pretty name" he said.

"Thanks and I should go, you have things to go about" you said turning on your heels.

"Wait, do you have a phone?" he asked.

"Mr. Mahone I don't understand your purpose with that question" you said dryly.

"Mr?" he said smirking and raising a brow "Do you have one?" he re-asked.

"It's being formal, and yes I do" you said nodding slightly.

"True, but let me see it" he said as you took it out then unlocking it. He pressed and tapped a few things and handed it back.

"Nice background" he said as his cheeks heated up a bit.

"I know, I like to have intriguing things as my background Austin." you said blushing.

"So you find me intriguing?" he asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yes I do" you said.

"I find that highly interesting, but....I have to go so call me sometime beautiful" he said kissing your cheek.

"I guess I will now" you said looking down to your fingers flushing red.

"I'll look forward to it (Y/N)" he said jogging backstage.

"So will I" you said walking towards the door only to glance back and see him smiling at you before going backstage.

This was the start of a wonderful relationship between the both of you.

×Authors Note×

I decided to update sooner than planned since I've been getting a lot of views lately. So thaaaaaanks, I really appreciate it :)

Any imagine ideas or preferences?

Austin Mahone Imagines ♡ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora