53. I'll Come Get You

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It was past 7 in the morning when Freddie felt her stir under his arm. He had been awake around half an hour ago but hadn't gone up for he found no reason to abandon this cocoon he was in.

He felt her stiffened and he half smiled to himself without opening his eyes, he knows she will be all embarrassed and shy right now. Just to tease her, he pretended to move in his sleep and pressed his morning wood on the side of her leg. The hardness of it digged on her side as he swing his leg over hers.

He heard her intake of breath and he wanted to laugh at how uncomfortable she must be. That's what you get for keeping me waiting and wanting my little Dolly.

He felt her slowly inching away, trying to move as little as possible to not wake him up and escape from his arm. He didn't like that. He tightened his embrace on her. She should learn to give him a kiss or cuddle back before she leaves the bed.

He plopped himself up on one elbow and looked at her face. She seemed so surprised that he's up. He saw her blush deepen slowly as they look eye to eye.

"Good morning, doll. I see you were trying to sneak away."

"Me?" She asked shyly. "Oh, ummm.. no, I was just. Going. To.. use the bathroom."

He smirked knowing she was lying through her teeth. He decided to let her go for the sake of breakfast but not without a kiss. "Yeah? Oh very well." He moved slowly toward her lips and her eyes widened while she moved her head deeper on the pillow to gain distance.

He stopped and pulled away to stare at her in mock horror. "What? No good morning kiss for me? What kind of good morning is that!" He said a little hurt at her action.

Seeing she's not comfortable he sighed, he decided not to push his luck on her. "Okey, no smooches. Just one on the cheek. Surely that must be allowed right?" She thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

He rolled his eyes and lowered his face on hers. He moved his right hand to hold the side of her face and pressed a kiss on her cheek almost touching the corner of her lips. His thumb slightly pressed on her mouth as he did so. He let his face linger near hers before pulling away.

"There, there. You're free to go about your business." He said in a playful tone. His bedroom voice still husky from sleep.

She wiggled free from him and skidded to the toilet. The only place here where she won't be followed and her emotions exposed.

He smiled sheepishly as she struts away. He can't help sing to himself the one line he can think of at that moment. "I'm gonna' get that cutie pie!"

He stood up and stretched. He already separated a shirt and trousers from his things before the flight. He knew he will stay over at her place no matter what. And yes no undies, he likes to keep it free  most times.

Speaking of underwear, he wandered to her top drawer and opened it. Oh yesss, there's these kinky little things. He pulled up a red sheer panty with little black ribbons. Ohh! She better not wear this on display to anyone but me! You know what, why don't I keep that for good measure.

He folded it gently with his pinky fingers up and kept it in his pocket. "Now, what else can we see here?" He asked himself. He opened each other drawer and when he reached the bottom, he was surprised to see it messy. Very unlike her. He reached to open the folded paper and a big smile spread his face.

"Soo, you keep posters of me, don't you darling?" He folded it again and checked the others. There's 2 of the band and 2 of him. It got him wondering. She could really like someone but still have enough control to keep a safe distance. If he hadn't been attracted to her and made his moves, he would never know she liked him this way. She is content at simple interactions it seems. But why? Why won't she show her feelings?

Well, you cannot go on ignoring me, doll. I won't have it that way! You better watch it, I'm coming for you.


She went out after taking a long cold shower, hoping against hope that will help wake her from this daydream that she can't keep up with. But she forgot to bring a change of clothes so she decided to put her pajamas again and change once she's in her room. Alone. She doesn't want to chance it by wearing a robe and attracting Freddie's attention.

As soon as she steps out, she saw Freddie sitting on the sofa, looking at a magazine. "Oh, you're done dear?" He smiled sweetly to her. "Would you mind if I borrow a towel? I know I should have brought mine. I'll remember next time." Then he winked.

She is no match to him. She won't even try pretending everything is under control because that ship has sailed and sunk a long time ago.

Isabella went to the main room and got him a new towel. He went straight to the restroom after she gives it to him but not before he had deliberately touched her hand when reaching for the towel and rejoice at her little jumpy reaction.

She got dressed fast and went to start preparing breakfast. It's 8am now, she must catch the 9:30am bus to the convent in order to have enough time before Alice's wedding. Alice told her not to worry about the dress because her fiancé s mom is a dressmaker and had offered to do both their dresses. They're basically the same built only Isabella is a little fuller on the front.

As a gift, she brought her friend a lovely pair of silk gloves and a brooch, she wanted Alice to feel extra specialy on her wedding day.

This time around, she didn't turn to look when the bathroom door opened. She knows from experience she's not immune to the after shower look of Mr.Mercury.  Nope, no one's immune to that! What's worse is holding at clutches to keep him at bay.

He went out of the toilet with only a towel wrapped on his waist. His hair still wet and of course the glorious chest hair out for the innocent to see. He saw her in the kitchen, as if speaking to herself. "If you're dressed, the eggs and bacon will be done soon. Would you like coffee or tea?"

Oh, we're ignoring me I see. Not if I can help it my dear.

He walked up to her and tapped on her shoulder. As a precaution she side glanced but kept her eyes down cast to the floor, the hem of the towel caught her eye.

Yep, it's the deadly combo. Newly showered and undressed. Can't take that risk, nope.


If she is not a stubborn little thing. 

"Darling, will you help me please.. My hair's gotten messy and I need a haircut. Here, look." He turned her around by her shoulders and he wiggled his wet curly hair to her. "Please cut it for me, doll." He smiled sweetly. His hands behind his back, slightly twisting about from his torso while he asks her.

If you're hot, you can't be cute too. Just stick to one category please. God have mercy on me.

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