40. Lover Boy

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By 10:30 am the following day, two bouquet of flowers were delivered in Alice's room with the following note:

On the yellow bouquet of Roses:
To Alice,

Hope you and the little one are feeling better. Take all the rest you need.

On the bouquet of pink Ranunculus:

To My Doll,

I had a wonderful dream of you last night. Hope you had one of me too.

Your Favorite Boy from the Band

Isabella hid the card from her flowers to avoid Alice from further interrogating her. She has had enough of that last night after having returned to the room with a different top on. Poor Tim, looking so confused by the time his visit ended.

Just a moment later, Alice's fiancé arrived and instantly they were on an emotional reunion. Isabella excused herself from the two advising Alice that she'll be back at night after her shift at the coffee shop. She already informed the library about the situation and had taken a leave until the weekend.

Upon returning to her flat, Isabella had to shake her head from displeasure at how messy the place looked. She hasn't clean up in awhile and it's an assault to her natural tendency to keep everything in order.

She grabbed a quick bite and launched to tidying up. Cleaning is a form of therapy for her. Before she usually cleans when she has nothing to do just to keep her idle hands busy. But this time where her mind is in full chaotic order, cleaning the house might help restore some peace in her head.

When she was about to finish, she saw the folded advert for community classes behind her bedside table. She immediately picked it up and scanned the print to see when was the deadline again for registration. She ease to the floor after noting the deadline is till tomorrow.

It's 1:10pm now, if she hurries she will make it to the community center where the registrations are being held and then be back just in time for her 3pm shift at the coffee shop.

Isabella took a quick shower and was out the door in 15 minutes. She had a lot to do today and have no time for any distractions.


"Hi there, how was your day?" Alice cheerfully greets Isabella as she walked in.

"Everything was fine, how about you and the little peanut?"

"We're ok, the doctor said we could go home tomorrow morning as scheduled."

"That's good news! What's our plan then?"

Alice told Isabella her doctor had not cleared her to travel for 2 more days. Thus, she can't leave for home till Sunday morning. This being the case, Alice asked her fiancé to just come back when it's time to pick them up knowing Isabella might not feel comfortable with a boy in her house.

Alice was very apologetic of the situation but Isabella reassured her friend that her and her baby's well being comes first.


"I've this tune in my head from the last time we were at the party in Bristol. It goes like.." Freddie played the keys on the piano and his band mates start bopping their head to the happy tune.

"I like that, sounds very catchy." Roger said, his trademark smile on his face.

"Yeah? Well I'm still working on the lyrics but I have a few written down. Here.." Freddie starts over again with the first keys on the piano while both humming and singing some lines.

I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can hmm huhumm humhumhumm
I can serenade huh humm mmm...
Be your Valentino just for you

Ooh love ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight, hey boy
Hmmm ummm hmm... mmmhm..
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy

"Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say we have a love struck boy here! Where's the inspiration coming from hmm, Freddie?" Brian teasing him as he continue to play the keys on the piano.

"It's just talent my dear!" Freddie quip back with exaggerated arrogance before laughing at himself.

"Oh yeah? What about I tell, you sent flowers to someone?" Roger was now in full mischief mode.

"Why you!?! Were you spying on me?"

"Nah-uhh, but I happen to get the call back from the flower shop advising that 'Mr.FM's' orders had been delivered and received accordingly."

"Oooohhh, who's the lucky fellah, or should I say miss?" Brian joins in the fun moving his fingers as if in a magic show.

"Well it's none of your business you snooping nerds!"

Both Roger and Brian laughed at Freddie's defensiveness while John kept by the sidelines quietly observing Freddie.

To him, Freddie seemed relaxed and a bit happier than usual. And he likes seeing him in a jolly mood. But he is worried for the source of his friend's good mood.

Although he's not sure, it's easy to derive Freddie has some sort of feelings for Isabella. Yet Freddie is just as confused as he was evident from the little incident at the restaurant's toilet he almost walked into a few days back.

He's worried, Isabella might not take it as well as Mary had, once Freddie's curiosity fades off. She seem too young and too uninitiated for that kind of heartbreak. Maybe Freddie knows what he is doing? After all he's the oldest in the bunch.

"Hey Deaks, want to go for a smoke?" Roger cuts his wayward thoughts just rightly so because he does indeed need a smoke.


While waiting for the doctor to do their morning rounds, Isabella was busy writing a letter to Freddie. It's a thank you note as well as a farewell one. She's glad they were able to mend the problem they had. But she would be lying badly if she would deny the heartache it will cost her after if she let's this go further. Better cost me now than later.

She was deep in writing when her name was paged at the nurse's station for a phone call.

"Hello? Isabella speaking."

"Hello Belle, how's my baby doll today?" Must he be so sweet to the ears that the heart believes? Why does he make it so hard.

"Oh, hi Freddie. I wasn't expecting your call.."

"You didn't? Well, I called yesterday to ask about the flowers but you were out. Did you like them, darling?"

"We did, Alice and I. It was very thoughtful of you. Thank you Freddie."

"Soo, any dreams you had of me, dearie? I like to hear you tell me about it."

"Well.. I had a good sleep last night. I hope you had too."

"Why are you being so formal today? Have I done something? Tell me sweetheart."

"Umm, no, you are wonderful. Hey Freddie, umm I think this line is for urgent calls only. I better hang up."

"Wait! Darling I want to see you. I'll come visit now, ok?"

"Actually... Ali's cleared to go out today. We're just waiting for the doctor for last minute check and we should be on our way by lunchtime."

"Shit! Uhmm, I'm tied the rest of the day from lunch but I will send Mike to bring you home to your flat."

"Freddie it's ok, you don't ha.."

"No, stop refusing me everytime. He'll be there by lunch. I'll see you tonight, ok doll? Please?"

Well maybe that's the best time to give him the letter?

"Okey.. I'll see you tonight."

"That's my girl! Got to go now, bye darling."

If only I really am your girl.. hayyy, stop dreaming now, please..

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