10. An Old Ring

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They just started walking as discreetly as possible towards the taxi bay by the far end of the street when it started to drizzle.

Freddie pulled Belle right away to the shops nearby for cover. He was trying to shake his hair from the raindrops that he caught when he froze. From across the street a familiar face from the press was waiting at the bus stop.

Oh dammit!

He pulls Belle to the hallway towards the thrift shops lined side by side each other.

"Whoops! What's wrong Freddie?"

"Belle, dear, we should go somewhere quick! There's one nasty press outside who'll feast on me if he sees me, pinning any ridiculous rumor for sure."

"Oh my! Ummm.. Here, I know the owner!" She tugs him by the wrist as they brisk walk with Freddie's head bent down. About the 3rd shop from where they turned she pulls him inside.

*Ding!* The shop bell rings.

"If it's not my favorite Belle. How are you young lady?" The lady from the counter spoke as she approach Isabella.

"Good morning Mrs. Walsh."

"What brings you here so early and with a boyfriend I see." She teased.

Chuckling nervously she answered "Oh!  (In my bloody dreams) He's not my boyfriend. Uhmm, Mrs.Walsh this is Freddie. Freddie, Mrs.Walsh." She stole a glance at Freddie feeling so embarrassed for herself by the comment.

He took her hand and warmly shook it. "Nice to meet you Ma'am."

"But of course I know him, darling girl! Please, Suzanne would do Mr.Mercury." she smiles coyly.

"Would you mind if we look around, Suzanne?"

"Of course not, stay as long as you both like." Turning to her heel, Suzanne went back to the room behind the counter.

Freddie turns his head to look for Isabella and found her looking intently at the display on the glass table by the far end corner.

"I like antiques." she murmured towards him without looking up from the display.

"I do too, actually. Do you fancy something dear?"

She wouldn't tell him of course, smiling at him instead for an answer. But Freddie saw the direction of her gaze and that was enough to know what she liked.

On a large tray of assorted rings, there were some very flashy ones. Just at the top left corner is a rosegold ring with a delicate band. It has tiny stones on the sides and at the center a small pink stone that looks so clear and sparkly.

Its beauty is as underrated as she. What a lovely piece, he thought.

Isabella shook him out of his thoughts with her soft voice. "Freddie... I think it's best if I go and get a cab for us. It's now 8:35 and I'm worried I might get late. Please stay here so you wouldn't chance upon that man outside."

Before he can speak she already dashed towards the hall they walked from and outside the main Street.

With her out of the shop, he suddenly has the perfect chance. He rang the counter bell and Suzanne came in an instant.

"Suzanne, may I inquire about that ring?"

"Oh certainly, let me get it out for you." She walks towards the glass casing and pulled out the ring.

"Ohhh, the most romantic piece of the lot! This is a morganite ring. It is a stone said to attract love and keep connection with the angels. It's a stone all about the heart. This specific ring was designed and made around 1910's. A unique little piece of art I must say."

"I'll take it. Please wrap it nicely dear, and make it quick thank you." He smiles to himself imagining how surprised she will be.

Freddie was walking his way out the hallway, the ring now inside a very thin copper box lined with velvet securely tucked in his breast pocket. Just then he saw Isabella at the end of the hall about to get out of taxi to get him.

He ran to her so she wouldn't have to walk all the way down. He was feeling so giddy inside!


While Freddie smiles to himself in the taxi humming nonchalantly, Isabella kept stealing glances at him. She wasn't sure why he seem so happy when earlier he was like a nervous cat!

"Sooo, when should I expect you to be available for me, my dear?"

She doesn't know if she's gotten fairly indecent as she turned 18 or if he's causing it. That even an innocent sentence she puts lewd meaning now!

"I can house sit again starting this weekend if you need me to, Freddie." She had to emphasize house sitting for the cab driver's sake and for hers too if she was being honest.

"All right, I'll check my schedule and talk to you later then." He purrs..

The cab pulled over at the library's gate and she was already out when she realized something.

"But I don't have a phone in the house Freddie how could we talk later?" In the past, he would always leave her his week's schedule by the hall table or he'll call his flat if there were major changes.

He's now pulling the taxi door to a close from the inside while giving instructions to the driver.  He then turned to Isabella and told her to "leave that up to me, dear." He kissed her lips with a quick smack and wave her goodbye as the cab slowly moves along. She was too taken aback she wasn't even sure if she just imagined that last bit.

She stood there, staring as the taxi disappears. What is happening?

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