43. Kensington Market

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She was looking at him about 5 cars away, halted due to the stop light. Roger on the other hand was all smiles as he wave to her, obviously wanting her to wait for him.

It took someone bumping hard on her to wake her up from her shock before looking left and right to see if there's an exit she could zoom to.

Before she could decide, the cars started moving and Roger is approaching the nearest sidewalk slot he could park in.

"Hey! I thought that was you! Where are you off to?" Roger asked as he goes down from his car and locks it.

"I'm, uhhh... hi! I was just walking along to.. yes, check the shops."

"Yeah? The men's shops, hmm.. looking to give something to your boyfriend?" Roger gives her one of his naughty smiles.

With wide eyes, she couldn't help shake her head at the suggestion she has a boyfriend.

"Oh no, no, no.. I am attending my boss's party and well, it's last minute decision, and now I, realized I don't know what to get him." She was blushing at his question and also noticed how many of the passersby almost break their necks looking back at Roger.

She gets it, she really does. This boy is what dreams are made of. I mean, who looks that good without trying?

He is an angel in the form of a man.

A naughty man, that is.

But only a liar will say his face is flawed.

With a sideways glance and a ready grin on his pretty boyish face he leaned as he spoke as if about a secret just between them two

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With a sideways glance and a ready grin on his pretty boyish face he leaned as he spoke as if about a secret just between them two.

"Is this boss... Freddie? Like is this some sort of code you have between you two cause I could help you get him something. I know what he likes."

Her eyes almost popped out in shock!

"Goodness no!!" Isabella looked like a ripened tomato with a wig on as blood creep to her face. "My boss from the coffee shop is who. I mean, it's for that boss.. yup that one."

She had to physically stop herself from bellowing a full on hysterical nervous laugh in the middle of the street to cover her embarrassment!

"Ahh, right right.. Well, I've nothing to do I can go look around with you." He smiled with those pretty blue eyes twinkling.

"Oh! I'm ok, thanks though Mr.Taylor! Umm, please go about your day." Trying to make her escape, she looks about abruptly. "And. And besides the shops here are pretty expensive! Yeah, well Ok! I'll get going then, have a good.." she quickly glanced at her watch, 2:05pm, before continuing. "Afternoon that is. Bye!" And she almost bolted before Roger caught her arm.

"Whoaww, hold it - hold it sweet cheeks. It's ok, I know a better place. Let me take you. It's where Freddie and I use to sell clothes. And what did we say about dropping the 'Mr.' hmmm?"

Before Isabella could react, Roger took her groceries to the trunk and opened the passenger door of his car with a playful smile on his face and a semi curtsey to her as a jest.

Are they all like this? Leaving you with not much choice?

She ended up hopping in with a worried look on her face. She kept her head bowed while Roger drove off smoothly.

"Hey, don't worry love, ok? I don't bite!" Roger said softly with a side smile trying to make Isabella comfortable. She really is a shy thing.

Isabella just smiled at him and looked through her window. Just a few minutes passed before they arrive in Kensington Market. It's buzzing with young people very much the scene which Isabella would prefer than the stiff shops from earlier.

"We're here! Let me just put these on and we'll hop off." Roger puts on a cap that looks like a beret and his infamous sunglasses. But the last one Isabella did not expect. Plastered on his face was a fake mustache.

"Whaaat? Don't I look good?"

"Uhhmm, Roger.. what is that?"

"It's nice right? Right? It's for my cover up. So I could still enjoy my old spots." He proudly shares.

"Oohhh.. I suppose that'll work.." But really, it looked so ridiculous to her she couldn't hide her grin.

"Oh I see!! You think this funny!?! Yeah?" Roger's natural goofy nature rubbing up on her as they both laughed out loud in the car.

After getting their laughing fit in control, they went out with Isabella following Roger who seem to know the place with eyes closed.

They first went to a clothes shop but since she doesn't put too much attention to Pete that she doesn't know what size will fit him.

Next, Roger suggest they go for the 'gift shop'. He held up a mug to her and Isabella shook her head with a grin. "He owns a coffee shop, umm maybe a mug is the last thing he wants to get."

"Well not this one, it says 'F*ck Taxes'. I'm sure he'll appreciate that. No? Okey okey, I've other ideas."

They went to a poster shop with some framed paintings too. She told Roger he's a rich man and most likely has a specific collection.

They had gone around almost each shop until they ended up with socks and handkerchiefs. To make it a little special, Isabella had Pete's name sewn to the edge of the handkerchiefs at an additional cost. She knows her gift wasn't well thought of but to quote Roger 'it's these little useful suckers that end up the best gift.'

She had to admit he has a point. Why give someone something that's not useful? So she brought those things gladly.

It's quarter past 4 when they've finished. Tired from all the walking and joking around, Isabella agreed when Roger offered they get some snacks at the diner.

She had a burger and shake and Roger had burger and a cold beer. It was a very good meal. She ended up really enjoying her time with Roger uncharacteristically so.

Before they left, Roger told her he has a gift for her but only because she was so silly to be with, bumping at things once too often.

In good fun, she agreed to take his token. Instead of handing her something, he led her to an optical shop. He said it's so she could see better next time someone calls her from the street.

At first she didn't want to accept the gift but Roger suggesting in all seriousness that it's for her safety. He obviously noticed the grade on her current one does not match her eyes anymore.

She ended up getting a new pair of glasses and contact lenses for when she might need it, Roger insisted. As a prescription glass user, Roger must really know his business.

Roger drove her back to her flat with just enough time to get ready for the party. She couldn't remember having that much fun shopping in awhile. Her happiness genuinely reflected on her face.

Roger was like the guy friend she never had. She thought he for sure enjoys it too just hanging out with a girl without worrying about what comes next after. With those good looks, it must get tiring for him to keep the ladies at bay all the time.

As an afterthought, maybe Freddie is having the hardest time since he had to keep both sexes at bay. Good thing she wouldn't have to worry about getting caught up in that again.

But before she could finish her thoughts, she remembered something. She forgot to send her mail to Freddie by post!

Darn it, appears that will have to wait for tomorrow.

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