14. Good Morning Indeed

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Isabella stirs from sleep feeling relaxed and ready to start the day. She opens her eyes to check the wall clock. Only it's not there. She then felt an odd weight on her and looks to her side over her shoulder.

She gasped so loud Freddie moans from his sleep. Her eyes panicked, noting everything in one sweeping glance: Freddie's arm wrapped on her waist, one knee slightly tucked from between her legs and his face is touching the back of her neck! But the most terrifying thing is, she feels something hard, pressed on her bottom!

No! No!!

She wiggles out of his arms and at this very compromising position  trying to salvage her dignity before he wakes up. But it was too late. Freddie murmurs  sleepily to her, "Good morning Belle my doll, how are you feeling?" one eye opening to look at her.

She couldn't hide her flustered expression because one they slept together and two she doesn't remember what happened!? She now scurries to move out of his reach. She bolts up and glanced herself frantically a little relieved that all her clothes were in place.

"Heyyy, don't I at least get a good morning kiss?" Freddie teased while sitting himself against the headboard.

In her life, she'd let many things pass but she won't stand for it if anyone not even him should do something to her without her permission! For a moment she just looked at him her hands starting to ball into fists to her side and for the first time he saw a glint of anger in those orbs. Oohh, my dolly has some fire in her Freddie observed.

But before she could go on a tirade, Freddie explains what happened. "You had a nightmare, dear and wouldn't stop sobbing. Naturally I was worried you'd end-up again with the nightmare once back asleep and decided it's best I keep you company." Fiddling his fingers on the edge of the bedsheet as he continues to explain.

"Neither your bed nor the sofa was big enough, so that's when I took your initial offer to take this bed instead." He smiles before he playfully upturned his face towards her and scrunches his nose, complete with eyes semi closed and squinting looking so pleased with himself.

Isabella starts to recall how she can't breath until she heard Freddie. He did soothe her and if she were alone like the other times, she would keep awake until dawn, too afraid and restless. But last night, Freddie was there and his presence reassured her.

What a way to think of someone who's only looking after your welfare, huh? You better get hold of your malicious mind Isabella! She mocked herself.

She walk around to his side with head bent down and sat by the bed. She looked at him shyly and slowly hugged him. It took a few seconds before she murmured softly, her head on top of his shoulder rested to the side. "I'm sorry Freddie, I'm wrong to think of you the way I did. And thank you for looking after me."

"Oh you silly dear, it's ok. Tell me, what did you think I did? Hmm?" his hands more than eager to snake around her, strategically resting on her lower back.

She pulls away slightly from the hug to shake her head at him "I can't begin to say, it's too embarrassing!" Smiling at him instead, she kissed his cheek as a way to further her apology and stood up.

Before she could fully stand he held her down by the waist and sleepy smiles at her: "But we need a proper kiss for such a sorry to be forgiven shouldn't you agree? And besides, you owe me that much for sleeping on my arm the whole night. It feels dead now darling, really."

She felt laughing at that last sentence when he starts to lean on her only one purpose in mind. She closed her eyes this time as he tilts his head to the side to have better access to her lips.

He gave her 2 feather light kisses and on the third one she involuntarily puckers for him more. He lowers his lips further so he could feel the fullness of her small mouth. Slightly parting them by grazing her lower lip with his teeth and sucking it a little. She couldn't help but moan. He tilts his head to the other side smiling at the sound she lets out unknowingly while moving one hand to the back of her neck and doing the same as he did earlier. Only this time a bit more forceful.

She tastes so sweet he wants to just do her! But then he raised his head slowly and with much reluctance. Both his hands still to each side of her small face.

She appears like a dreamy nymph with eyes half closed and lips parted. He can't help but smile tight lipped showing his cute dimple, self satisfied at how she looked after being kissed. He smirks and says "I don't mind you asking me sorry, my doll. Ask me anytime, please!"

She smiled blushing, he's not her boyfriend but she seem to be kissing him often. She just can't help it though, he's all she ever really liked! Stop it you, stop dreaming. Now!

She told him she'll just fix them both breakfast and he could go first to use the bathroom. She went about to clear the living area and then went to her tiny room to get some clothes. Mustard colored blouse in 3/4 sleeves and khaki pedal pushers loose enough as always. Plus her sneakers of course.

She made the bed and went to get some underwear when she noticed it seems something's odd. Unable to figure it out, she just shrugged her shoulders and went back out. She kept her things by the wall closet near the toilet so Freddie wouldn't see her intimates while she prepares breakfast.

She warmed up the croissant and took some strawberry jam. Roast Beef sandwich with heavy dressing of the good stuff will be just what they need to start the day. She made coffee for her and tea for Freddie. When she heard the toilet door open she calls to him over her shoulder, "Freddie? I took out a shirt for you in case you want to change. I hope it fits. You just leave your old one in the clothes rack and I'll attend to it."

Looking in the bathroom mirror, shirtless and with hair blow dried to a fluff he, smirk mischievously at himself "Let's up the seduction a little for my baby doll, why don't we?" stepping out confidently to the unsuspecting Isabella.

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