25. I need you

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"How did you two know each other? Pete was smiling showing his confusion at the connection between the two. "I didn't know you're rubbing elbows with celebrities, Belle? Mr.Mercury's such a big star."

"Uhmm, I also work for him to look after his house, Mr.Mancini."

"She's been doing so for awhile now, haven't you doll?" Freddie cooes to Isabella, hand still to her waist.

"Is that right? She's a busy girl I see." Pete winks at Isabella and she just looked down.

"She is, she's lots of 'commitments'. Busy girl, my Belle." Freddie glancing at her as he spoke. "But have you finished dinner? Don't let me interrupt your date." Flamboyance in full swing.

"We've just finish I think. Isabella, were you done sweetheart?"

Excuse me, she's not your anything! Eyes now narrowing a little.

Before Isabella could speak, Freddie cheerfully asks. "What a coincidence! The boys and I are also just done with dinner. Would you care for some drinks?"

"I'm all right, thank you for the invite, Mr.Mercury."

"Uhmm, me too Freddie, I should better head home."

"Then let me bring you home darling, just you wait here ok."

"I'll bring her home don't worry, you enjoy your night Mr.Mercury, really nice to meet you."

"I'll see you on Sunday Freddie, you all take care tonight."

Pete leads Isabella outside while Freddie stares dumbfounded. He walks back to his band mates a second later in a dark mood. "Why don't we get shit faced tonight, lads?! Let's go!"

All three completely clueless with the sudden change of mood. There's no way they can get out of this one.


Lying on her own bed, Isabella was feeling anxious. She doesn't understand how to explain what happened. As far as she knows, she didn't do anything. He acted strange she doesn't know what to make of it.

She stirs awake not realizing she somehow managed to fall asleep. The loud banging at the door was deafening. She bolted up scared until she hears shouting "Open up, will you dear?!" She recognized Freddie but his voice is more raucous, very far from his normal soothing one. Looking at the clock, she winces in the dark; 4:12am. Goodness!

Isabella hurries to the door after putting on her glasses and a robe, tying it securely. Freddie shouts again "It's me, FreDDie. Ohhh, maybe you're busy?" he laughs loudly. "Hi Pete, you in there?! Having a grand time?!" What is he saying... She thought to herself.

Isabella now successfully unlocking the door, opening it just slightly and talking from the gap, "Freddie, please stop shouting. It's embarrassing" she whisper shouts so he would hear.

"Whyyy, my doll's embarrassed of me! Poo-hoo. Is Pete there, is that why? Peeeete, youhoo?! "

"Freddie pleeease, you're drunk. Let's talk when yo" but Freddie pushes the door catching Isabella off guard loosing her balance. She falls to the floor while Freddie goes inside, banging the door to a close with a thud behind him.

Isabella stands up and backs to the wall, "F'freddie.. just sit down please, you're sca"

He stares at her with fire in his eyes, her knees began to quake. For the first time she's seen him other than gentle towards her and she's scared.

He prowls to her like an animal about to pounce. He stops in front of her and grabs her face cupping by her cheeks forcing her to look up at him. His other hand holding on her right wrist to the wall. Standing a feather below 5 feet 4 inches at bare foot, he towers over her.

"Why, my doll's been going on a date. Has he been here? Did you invite him in? Do tell darling" She shakes her head with vigor to answer him but he held her face tighter shouting at her "Look at me!" His marble eyes held so much anger her own eyes began to water from fear.

"Has he held you close?" Whispering gently to her as though the question was a threat.

"Freddie, please you're.."

"Has he touched you everywhere?"

"No!!" She cries trying to push Freddie away with her one free hand.

Suddenly all his control snapped! Freddie crashes his mouth to her lips sucking hard parting her mouth wide open grazing every flesh on her mouth talking in frenzy.

"You go about pretending to treat me special and then go see other men!! Has he fucked you here?! Did you go wet for him, huh?" He then puts her hand on his crotch his other hand at the back of her neck. She screams in panic in his mouth, "Do you feel this Isabella? This cocks' hot for you! I bet you, this is bigger!" She's been pushing him all her might until his words sunk in, she felt so little of herself. Suddenly there's no fight left in her.

Freddie stopped as soon as he drew blood in his mouth. His head snapped back awaken from his delirious state. He saw Isabella sobbing helplessly with the mound of her lower lip gushing blood. Her cheeks bright red it might turn to bruise. He lets his hold loose and Isabella falls to the floor.

No, No.. what have I done?

He went to his knees slowly leaning his shaking hand to her but she jerks away from his touch as if burnt and hugs her knees to herself.

He wanted to cry.. She doesn't want him to touch her. "Isabella...I'm sorry.. I don't know what came ov.."

"Please go away.." her sobs muffled from bending her head too hard on her knees.

"Darling, please..I.. "

"Please.. leave me... alone.." She couldn't finish her sentences, breaking in heavy sobs at almost every word.

"Isabella, believe me.. I didn't.."

"I don't.. want to see you... again.."

"Darling, darling don't say that... I'm, I'm.." tears began to roll Freddie's eyes. He feels so desperate to hold her, to just touch her. He moved through his knees to get near her, like a sinner asking for mercy.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to.." but the moment he touched her arm Isabella cries out loud piercing through the quiet night, "Nooooo!!" Wiggling away panic in her eyes "Help!! Somebody please!" Tears stream down her face like an open dam.

The door flings open and Mike bolts in to hold Freddie by the arms. "Mr.Mercury, that's enough! Let's go." He tried his best to drag Freddie out to the car.

"I didn't mean to, believe me Isabella.. please ...." He wanted to fix the mess, make her understand, but he's as shocked as she was with the situation. Desperation etched all over his face while he kept staring at her crying figure. Mike unrelentingly drags him out. He doesn't have the will to fight him, he deserved to be dragged and put in the sewer for what he did.

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