69. Accommodation I

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Mike drove straight to Isabella's place, feeling the unease that settled in the car as soon as the two slid in.

Knowing there are still a lot of people on the streets, he offered to get the keys from Isabella as the car approach by the curb. This so to make it easier for both her and Freddie to go inside.

The normally shy but cordial young lady must be in deep thought, he took note, because it was Freddie who had to fish for her keys in her bag to pass on to him.

Being a father of girls himself, Mike couldn't help scrutinize the situation to see if there are any signs of Isabella being harassed by Freddie. She was snuggled next to him albeit being quiet so what's bothering her must be nothing of that sort.

Freddie waved to Mike by the door giving him clear instructions earlier not to inform anybody where he was and that he will report to the studio in the morning.

Isabella went straight to the toilet as soon as they got in. She splashed cold water on her face to rid herself of this crippling embarrassment doing reruns of what happened back there.

They were doing something very private somewhere very public.

And somebody saw!

She sat on the toilet cover with a thud, bitting her nails to rid some of the tension in her system.

She was sure Freddie's quick reflexes to cover her saved her from possible prying eyes. That man didn't see anything of her but she knew that he must have conjured an image of them in his head standing so close and knew exactly what was going on!

And Freddie.. he saw me bare

And I was moaning!

"Darn it!" She called herself out. It's hard enough that she second guess herself all the time but more so that the moment she didn't have to - because her mind didn't have time so to speak - someone had to ruin it for them.

She wanted, if there gets a point where she couldn't hold out anymore, to atleast make it special for Freddie.

*knock *knock

"Darling? Are you all right in there? I just want to see you.. can you come out now, please? Sweetheart?"

Her heart skipped a bit with his knocks, bringing her back to the present.

"Umm.. I just need another minute.."

"Ohh.. okey umm, well... I will be here outside, take all the time you need, dear."

Freddie let his ear stay pressed by the bathroom door a few seconds longer hoping to get a clue with how she's getting on. Sighing deeply, knowing it's no use hanging by the door he reluctantly push himself away and seated himself on the couch.

About 10 minutes past when Isabella quietly turned the knob, giving view to an anxious Freddie, pacing back and forth talking to himself.

As soon as Freddie noticed her, he skipped to reach her side and hold her arms.

"Baby.. Will you come sit with me please. I, uh.. I need to make things clear."

He seated Isabella on the sofa before taking the seat beside her. Holding both her hands he spoke gently.

"Isabella, darling.. please look at me love. I need to know what you're thinking.." He guided her chin to look towards him, coaxing her with his eyes.

She briefly look at Freddie's eyes before gently shaking her head.

"You don't want to talk?" His eyes were pleading her. "Baby, I'm sorry about the door. I know, I should have um, locked it." Panic starting to sound in his voice. "But you've got to believe me I won't let anyone disgrace you!"

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