19. At The Restaurant

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Freddie still hasn't recovered from their conversation in the car. That little bit of information she shared completely did him. It was said without flair for impact or over the top ardor, much like how he's used to hearing from lovers or prospective new ones. Yet, that exactly is what pierced his heart. The silent sincerity in it. She likes him...

That's what she meant right?

Because he obviously likes her. Well, maybe not her fashion sense and not in the most innocent of ways by any means, but it's there. The attraction!

It's true he's been busy with his lovers but he's not blind. He's noticed her. Ohh how he's noticed her.

The problem then was she was so young it sits in his book of 'unacceptable' and you better believe that THAT list is so short it's almost non-existent! Yet even he would draw the line somewhere. The press will party on such a scandal had he indulged in her! He can just imagine the tabloids: Flamboyant Rock Star, Banging a Minor!

Now is a different story; she's back in his life all at the ripe age of 18.

He's been a regular in this restaurant and has a pretty private booth. It's designed as half-circle plush leather seat which means no sitting across each other but side by side. I know my ways.

He studies her profile.

He saw the pretty face behind those awfully rimmed glasses. And although he can't see her figure, she attracts him in a way very basic of a man. She's so delicate she makes him masculine without trying.

When she speaks, he only hear proper things he wonders how lewd words would sound rolling out her tongue.

He had a string of male lovers and he enjoyed their company to no end but he had been curious of her for long. What would my doll sound like moaning when I fuck her?

He wants to know what it's like to indulge in Isabella. Feel her squirming below him, assault her every senses until she can't take it anymore. Let her know she can't keep men at bay forever with that face no matter how she hides it.


Freddie hadn't realize he's been breathing heavily, staring his food down until Isabella interrupted his provocative thoughts.

"Freddie? Are you all right? You seem in a daze. Can I get you something?"

"Oh there's actually something you could get me." He smiles, now covering his crotch with the table napkin. Dammit, this girl will injure me if this goes on!

"Sure, just let me know."

"Can I have your hand please?"

"My hand? Oh.. okey.."

She reaches out to his tentatively and he takes it holding it firmly down under the napkin and covering it back. His hand on top to prevent her from moving.

She hit her knee under the table from jerking so suddenly it almost spill the drinks. Customers from nearby tables glanced a little at the sound. He just continued eating without much expression as she gapes at him.

Too afraid to move her hand, she doesn't know what to do. Freddie spoke in a low voice making her skin crawl "Do you know what this is, Isabella?" His crotch hard on her palm on top of his jeans.

She couldn't look at him she nods a little. "I don't think you do actually." He then moves her hand a little and he lets out a soft moan. "Do you like me like this?" he whispered before going near her ear, "because if you don't know, I want you screaming for this, darling."


Isabella touched Freddie's arm "Freddie, you're breaking in a sweat, what's wrong."

He shakes his head and looks at her suddenly self aware "Hmmm? I'm sorry, I was just thinking of something. Will you excuse me for a moment I just need to use the loo." He realized he was having wet dreams in the middle of the restaurant while awake! Goodness, she must have put a spell on me!

As hard as he might try, he can't deny he's always been attracted to this girl. He really does try so hard not to fuck her! But if she ever gave the slightest go signal, he'll descend to her like the plague!


Back at their table, Isabella brought the topic she's been mooning over all day. "Freddie, about this morning.. I'm not sure if I've said something but I keep going back and forth our conversation and I can't seem to figure it out."

"Oh that, I'm sorry if I was insensitive to you earlier. I was just so taken aback by your outright well,... dismissal of my offer to uhmm.. to live with me."

"Ohhh? I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry if I did... I was just, I'm not sure I'm ok with living with a man that's.."


"What? Oh no not that!" She's pretty taken aback by his bluntness but also amazed by his honesty with her. "By a man that's not my husband I mean." She's sharing far too intimate information with him but it's just equal as he's also doing so by her.

"Hmmm, I see. Why, what do you think would happen, dear?" Freddie feigning indifference.

"I don't know.. I just well it never occurred to me to.. to live with a boy before and.. I don't know what to make of it." Sometimes she tires herself too with being so rigid.

"Okey, well if you change your mind. The offer stands darling." He smiles at her, but it has not reached his eyes.

They continued with dinner in relative silence.

Freddie after paying the bill still not wanting to let her go suggests "what about a few drinks?"

"I'm not sure, I've never really drank before."

"Then the more we should go, what do you say doll?"

She was still thinking about it when Freddie jeers "Ooohhh com'mon, it'll be fun!"

It's so hard to say no to him, she agrees eventually "If you insist.."

"Yes! Let's go!" He happily escorts Isabella out of the restaurant unaffected by all the look thrown at them.

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