35. Let's go out

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When Isabella arrived in her flat, she saw Alice singing away in the kitchen with the radio on full blast to "Death on Two Legs" where all the angst is on free fly for anyone to bop to. Indeed this is the best song to indulge in when feeling the need to release bottled up tension.

She grins while shaking her head. She approached Alice, while she put her things on the countertop.

"Hey, I didn't hear you come! How was it at the coffee shop?!" Alice greets Isabella with a semi shout.

"All was good, it was a slow day too! Hey, don't you think this is too loud?! Your baby might go deaf before even developing an ear!"

"No problem going deaf if it's by Queen!" Alice grins in good humour. "Besides, I love this song and I need this chaotic energy now! The sisters would definitely not let us blast away with this before bedtime!"

"I didn't know you were a fan?! I love their songs even if it seems out of character for me!"

"I am! And aren't we all! I mean, how can you resist these 4 beans! You're so lucky you've met them! What I would not give!"

"Yeah I know, I felt so lucky they've all been very kind!"

The radio DJ spoke as the song finishes and making an extended introduction well into the next song stopping only just before Freddie sang the opening line for 'Liar'.

"These boys just putting it out there for us you know! It's almost gospel truth! Love this song!"

"You have a point! Must be awesome to just say what's in your head and let everyone know it through a song!"

"I bet it is! Hey, dinner's ready have a seat!" Alice motions for Isabella happily as she opens a chair for her. She lowers the volume this time so they could talk at a more comfortable level over dinner.

"It's nice to come home to someone, Ali. Thanks for getting dinner ready." Indeed, Isabella liked having someone home to talk to after school or work. Makes the more fun to head home instead of extending shift ever so often.

"Hey, it's still quite early, what do you say we go out after? Come on Belle, it will be fun!" Alice seems to be in a very upbeat mood. Must be Queens' music that's doing the trick. Just then the next song plays to another one of Queen, 'Ogre Battle' went blasting away.

"Ali, you must be forgetting a tiny but very important detail. You're pregnant love, how can we go prancing about town at night? And besides we don't ever do that."

"I know, that's why we should go do it Belle! And I'm certain I'll be sleepy way before we can do anything well into the night."

It's just a bit past 7pm and it's not like they will drink. Just hang out outside at night time, nothing's wrong with that? "I guess if you promise not to drink and we'll head back before 10:30pm then I agree."

"Yes! Finally! Don't you worry yourself miss!" Alice hops out of her chair with glee!

"You better get ready then. I'll go clear the table."

On the background, Queen's music continues. The DJ must have decided tonight is a good night for all songs Queen. And he isn't wrong, Isabella bobs happily in agreement.


"I think I should get a personal assistant, just so I don't have to deal with the mundane things and focus all my energy to making music." Freddie was saying over his piano to the boys. Roger and John were clowning around with each other over a magazine while Brian was talking to their sound engineer.

"Does any of you suckers listen?" Freddie roll his eyes to his band mates.

"Hold on Freddie, just give me a sec." Brian spoke over the speaker from the mixing booth. Done with his bit, Brian went inside the recording area towards Freddie, picking his guitar on the way. "Assistant? I suppose that's not a bad idea. Do you know someone?"

"Not really, I've friends who might though so it's no problem."

"Well if it's for the music and all, yeah, I think having one might be a good thing actually."

Roger and John now approached the two. "Focus on 'the music' you said? Not more time for other things you sure?" Roger joked while lighting a cigarette.

"Of course it's for the music! What do you mean other things?"

"Oh well; 'boys and girls' in general, David and Isabella in more specific terms."

"You really ought to be a gossip reporter you know? Well for your scoop, David and I separated amicably. It's that other bloke who refused to take the hint that messed with my schedule. The nerve he had to hostage my flat! Ugh!"

"And Isabella? What to make of her though?" John quizzes to Freddie.

"Ahhh, I see you brought a junior reporter with you Rog." Freddie drawls sarcastically with eyes going to the ceiling. "Haven't I told before? She's a friend and we get along. That's all there is to it."

"I must say she's gotten prettier, don't know what's it about. Must be her aura. Wait! She's 18 now, I remember!" Roger lighting up with sudden enthusiasm.

"Don't even try Roger, keep your dirty paws off that kitty." Freddie scoffs.

"Well all is fair play in the adult land don't you say?"

"Freddie's right Rog, let's leave the unsuspecting girl off the bait. Besides your pond is quite over populated to be honest." Brian mentions as an afterthought from Freddie's quip.

The four ended up laughing with Roger taking the jabs on his womanizing in stride. They do always end up having a good laugh at their own expense.

Inwardly, Freddie was making mental calculations of where he and Isabella are headed. He's getting frustrated at her for causing him confusion. Is she a momentary distraction? Or is it really possible there's more to it than he's willing to confront right now? Fucking around is easy, romance is something else. Oh why does she have to complicate it for him? 

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