54. The Cut

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She was trying to concentrate with keeping her eyes on his hair and not his face. The task made extremely difficult with his face looking so adorable.

Or also possibly caused by his chest hair begging for some petting.

Her hand involuntarily reached out to do just that before she caught herself and aimed for his hair instead.

There's just too much about the man to cause distraction!

The struggle with the hands didn't go unnoticed. Freddie was trying to hide his smile but oh how his eyes sparkle with mirth. After visibility failing to keep it cool, she's somehow manage to find her voice again.

"But I don't know how to cut hair..." She protested, scandalized at the thought of being the one to murder the locks of this divine creature.

"But you do for sure? You do so many things I'm certain hair cutting is one of them! Besides, it's just hair, I will grow it out fast enough. Please darling."

She really doesn't want to do this. She has a very bad feeling about this whole thing. "It's just that I don't really have time to do so now.. you see, I have to go back home for Alice's wedding. It's this afternoon."

"Really? Then don't you worry, Mike and I are free for the rest of the day. I'll be happy to tag along. Besides, it's Sunday after all!" He smiled sweetly, his dimples making an appearance to add with the overall cuteness.

"I...the wedding is small and.. I'm sure you're tired from that long flight right?" She couldn't imagine Freddie attending a small wedding and besides what does she tell those who'd see him there?

"Oh don't worry dear, I won't take the attention from the lovely couple. I'll wait for you till it's finish so we can come back together." He took her hand and taps it as if to reassure her. Maybe the man really can't take a hint, yes? no?

"Now, come - come. Just get your scissors ready and do my hair so we can get going to this wedding. We don't want to be late do we?" He led her to the living area where he sat on a stool with his back to her, his towel still securely wrapped on his waist. The hint of manhood bulging as the towel hugged his hips as he sits.

Her hands had gotten cold. The only hair she ever did cut were her sister's, a pretty straight forward style and well - her own bangs. Which just by looking at it would tell what her skill level is at.

Seeing that she stood frozen, still not able to move a muscle behind him, he stood up with a sigh and went to the restroom where he saw a pair of scissors and a comb. He took her hand and placed it there before sitting down again to patiently wait for her to start.

She stared at his soft, wet curly hair. How she imagined many times to caress it. And now she's going to perform murder to it!

"Freddie, this is a bad idea.. please.."

"Dear, stop worrying. Just go cut ahead please."

She closed her eyes in silent prayer that no matter what happens, may she live to survive it.

She raised her hands and immediately it shook uncontrollably. She had to grip the scissors really hard in order not to drop it on the poor man's head. A second later she cut the side with her nerves getting the best of her.

Oops! Instantly she knew she had taken more hair than she should. She worked her way to even it out trying to avert from causing a full disaster. In that instant she could swear it was only her and her impossible mission that existed.

Freddie's hand moved to her hips when she walked in front of him to check his hair from that view. She was in deep concentration that she didn't notice his hands reached securely on each side of her hips.

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