90. Show Stopper

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Every girl near Isabella squealed and launched themselves anew to the band thinking Freddie and the boys are in a generous spirit and are giving free kisses. It can't be for just one girl right?!

Good thing the organizing committee were fast to break the mayhem and announced 'it will be most ungratifying for everyone if the band left because everyone is acting an awful rowdy lot!'

Of course that didn't help in any way, at least not until the boys promised to stay for another round of photo ops later. That and the fact the commentator actually threatened with local police swooping down on them for misdemeanor and harassment!

"Now then, food will be served on each table and everyone will be expected to pay attention to the next performances."

The man was speaking with the level of authority parents uses to their errant children when Isabella was pulled away from the band along with everyone else hanging about the boys. And then her friend Olivia was suddenly holding on her arm whisper shouting to her over the noise.

"Belle, Julie couldn't perform just as all the girls anticipated. So soo glad you promised to be her replacement. Come we're up next!" A resolute beaming smile with the bobbing of her friend's head as if to say 'oh yes you did' could only mean one thing for Isabella - she's doomed! Please don't let this dream turn into a nightmare!!!

Isabella was mortified to remember she had indeed agreed to be back up member in case Julie has a case of nerves (which she didn't know is almost certainly always the case!). She only agreed because Olivia was such a sweetheart of a classmate that she can't say no.

"Vee, I can't. Please let me talk to Julie." Isabella said, pleading and panicked at the thought of standing on stage much more so with Freddie and Queen as the audience.

"Oh but you must do it! Bee, she won't even get out of the loo after knowing Queen performed today. Pleeease, you'll only do the maracas as promised."

The image was even more shameful! Standing and shaking the bloody thing while everyone of the girls have a part to sing and play. 

"I'm sure we can get someone else. Vee, please don't do this to me.."

"Please Belle, we don't have time to look for someone else. Oh darn it, they're calling us now! Come Bee, let's hurry" and with a determined hold on her hand, Olivia pulled Isabella with her to the side of the stage, both of them half running, only Isabella wanted to go the opposite direction.

Freddie didn't have time to hold his girlfriend longer before someone pulled her away and everyone else along with her were cleared out from the four rockstar's faces.

Looking over his band mates truth be told, the three dorks seemed not acting 'believably' unhappy with the attention they're getting from the young crowd of mostly girls. Rogers grin is particularly telling anyway.

Yet, Freddie was hoping to have the chance to get a proper kiss from his girl while he sits her on his lap as soon as he noted her wide eyed happy disbelief of seeing him here. Oh how could anyone resist that googly eyes of her?! It kinda tickled him with delight that she was shocked and starry eyed as she looked at him from a few feet away.

Of course he want to get more of that wide eyed adoration from her so he asked the boys if they will be ok to give a short performance like a sort of token since this cooking event is more a charity show for the town after all.

And his band mates did not disappoint, Freddie acknowledged with loyalty. He had to give it to them, the boys are awful when recording (because it's so boring and ass fucking hard to be truthful) but come performance time and they're as ready as they had been since day one. Still hungry to give their best as if they were but starting musicians. And they do indulge him; they spoil each other like that despite bickering with each other so no one is privy to know their actual closeness as a unit behind all that fighting.

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